WordPress + WordPressMU merging soon…

ok, that’s not new to this site, we’re looking at the competitors to see what’s above and below us in the ideas…

WordPress the big and popular blog engine is to be merged to a branch called WPMU, a multi-users version of wordpress. so what’s up?…

they develop the biggest multi-users multi-engines system on the market right now… compared to them, vBulletin is just the sand under the carpet.

23 million individual installs over the globe. vB is yet to look at the asian side of things with 50 000 clients, WordPress is already the most popular blog engine in China and India.

ok, so what’s up with us? nothing, really… but i’ve been working with WordPress-Buddypress for the last month, and i think that even if they have a great market, they are unable to answer the needs. They are slow to develop final versions, Buddypress is still in planning their next version, they code slowly but surely.

so, i’ve been in discussions with Andy Peatling, the developer of Buddypress, and from what i see, our best deal would be to take a complete buddypress installed with all our prefered addons and rework it. we don’t even need to recode it completely, remember that WordPress is GPL.

in WordPress we have most of what we need to start, like automatic updates without downloads, automatic i18n, filebased templates, etc… a lot of things or so.

what WordPress needs is the professional twist i always apply to my work. better themes, better markup, better code, better plugins… there is not a single professional addon for wordpress when you browse the free directory… just « approximate » tools.

Buddypress is the best work donw with WordPress yet… merge of twitter, facebook and myspace in a single engine, plugin to wordpress mu, so you offer a load of possibilities to a social network.

but there is more than social network. if you twist it properly, it can become a great intranet for your clients, a great marketplace for shopping malls, etc…

soo…. ?!

Views: 1008

38 thoughts on “WordPress + WordPressMU merging soon…”

  1. Drew dit :

    Ok, so you want to take WordPress and Buddy Press and recode them for a new professional addon?

  2. nexia dit :

    actually i don’t know what i plan… i plan nothing, because we have nothing in hands… i’ve been away from coding for a long moment, and it looks like i lost my mind into that… rofl

    what do you have in hands right now? you were evolving around a complete new core, something??? you know i’m lazy, i prefer taking over existing stuff and rebuild it like i want, so the possibility to take a complete WordPress+WPMU+Buddypress is interesting for me, having a complete core, with most of the features to keep instead of deleting everything, is already a good start…

  3. Drew dit :

    Yeah I have a Core with a database engine and some other « essential » features for any site.

  4. nexia dit :

    so, what do you think about this all?

  5. Drew dit :

    I think we need to establish some sort of product line for managing sites (varying from full CMS’s to your wordpress idea with the same essential Core). To go along with this line of products we’d need a « holding company » or some sort of company branding to go with them, as vbenhancer comes off as a « vbulletin only » site.

  6. nexia dit :

    i was more refering to the fact that you already have some core elements etc… i have no idea what you got right away, so i’m not sure of what we could do with it…

    from my side, i think i can handle a pro-commercial version of all the stuff from wordpress, wpmu and buddypress with all the other addons we can grab… as example, i am member here: WPMU DEV – WordPress MU plugins, themes and more … imagine, they charge 80$/month for their stuff, and i can tell you they do not worth 80$/m, but they have a reputation… that i can beat with a eyelid.

    anyway, what i think is that we can use wordpress way more easily that we could with vB, and we implement your core… do you think it would worth it, or i loose my time changing my mind?

  7. Drew dit :

    What I am wondering is how much of a market there is? Why would someone choose our paid blog over wordpress? What key features would we include?

    My idea that I am working on is an online service/CMS. Where businesses order « parts » or widgets for it (like the abaility to sell products, a support system, articles, etc.). This would allow businesses to buy these parts and then make there site just by filling in there information.

  8. nexia dit :

    no, you misunderstood my usage of wordpress… rofl… i am interested in the core and principles, not the actual engine.

    wordpress have most of what we need, pluggable everything, action calls for hooking enhancements, hierarchical style/template calls, etc. there is more with buddypress as an example as the tool in itself become a wrapper for wordpress multi-users… which is what i was viewing at first for the webmaster VS multiple clients…

    but i see where you’re going, interesting thing… 😉

  9. Drew dit :

    Oh lol yeah I see the benefit in that I would be interested in how it looks at the problem of multiple users

  10. nexia dit :

    https://shopplugin.net/store/ … a reason why WordPress is far beyond vBulletin when it comes with external features… 😉 *(we could by it with all the extensions to play with it eternally.) … 380$ for the whole package, all payment systems, etc… translated in 5 languages, with some extras for free…

    hopefully most of the additions to wordpress are not that costly… rofl

    does it worth the investment?

  11. Drew dit :

    I’m not really sure I think we could get a pretty good impression of how wordpress handles all addons by just its package.

  12. nexia dit :

    what i can say is as WordPress has an open-distribution of addons market like we see with vBulletin, most of the releases are just crap… so it they are all interfering with others… that is related to the way the authors do not care about the other authors work… that’s why i want a managed distribution.

  13. nexia dit :

    if you are questioning my interest in having a solution like this on the marketplace, here is a good discussion we’re reading that shows you the power of global engines: BuddyPress.org → Forums → Enterprise Buddypress … for corporations and well installed companies. that’s one of the reasons i think a market above the 5000$/piece is possible… btw, i prefer lurking at the fortune 500… rofl

  14. nexia dit :

    i hate opened development… when a client like me report a bug on the discussions forum, everybody around tell me to report that bug to the trac system, even the main developer…

    HEY MORON, i already reported it. if you can’t copy/paste it in your own bug report engine, get off my pants.

  15. Drew dit :

    Oh ok, so what kind of system do you want to make?

  16. nexia dit :

    today, i want a site that my new client will just have to register, activate and select a theme or ask his designer to refine one we have to customize… blog, boutique, news feed, twitter/facebook, 3 admin access to the panel.

    i can not do it with vBulletin, because my client would have to purchase vB, an external shopping cart, install tons of plugins — unsupported, learn how each part can be plugged-in, blah blah for 3 months as each client is slow.

    i can not do it with wordpress because my client would have to pay for a shopp, etc, and i would have to do a 5 hours seminar to explain to the client how the web usages are and how to exploit the best of WordPress to have a very popular website…

    i faced this today… a little boutique nearby which is hosted on a paid shop hoster, with a blogger and twitter as engines of advertising… now the owner wants a wordpress with the shop engine i just showed you. 😉 hopefully she is happy with that we discussed about, so the job will be easy, i manage everything.

    i also want a quick-reply i can resize, with a cute interface i can skin when i skin the rest of the site… 🙂 damn ugly forms.

    now i have 550$ of scripts to purchase for that contract… everything wordpress… and everything gpl, oh what a pleasure.

    so, do i continue to spend my money on useless scripts or we build up something from all that?… personally i tend to look at my own investments, time is not my principal problem, i can spend hours and weeks to work a code, if it does not fit at the end i can switch to something else… but if all my money is gone after the day, i prefer using the result instead of looking elsewhere.

    so what i have in mind now is that we start with the whole wordpress universe, we build that monster engine, part by part, we redesign each plugin we need to be perfect for our usage, and we recode the engine to be ours. right now, as example, each component of buddypress have a « obsolete » part, where most of the addons are calling functions because it is not so obsolete, and that makes the script to be too big for the result… updating all the plugins would end up with half the size of the original buddypress.

    you have the magic of OOP, you know how to call functions thru files with simply calling a new class X, and you know how to manage performances and efficiency in codes, which most of the wordpress coders can’t because they all do copy/paste…

    that’s what i’ve done between phpnuke and Postnuke… we took phpnuke’s code and enhanced it, twisted it and 8 months after, for our first release, we had 1.4 millions download on the first month, the total of downloads for phpnuke from 1.0 to 6.1 the day we were…

    i don’t want 1.4 millions of downloads though, i would prefer 500 paid clients.. rofl, at 500$/piece…

  17. Drew dit :

    Yeah that was pretty much how my engine works you call Core::(anything) and it loads. My goal was to have a base library (db, caching, etc.) then a next layer of modules (payment apis, rating, an attachment api, etc.). These can then be used to build any kind of site out there. I’ve been slow to build it because I always think of other ways to improve the code I’ve already written lol

  18. nexia dit :

    why are you refering to your engine in the « past » ? .. lol

    now that your core is written, we could see how we can add any features we need…

    what i think we could do is like i usually do, a fantom project that contains all the elements we need, and our main project with everything we will grab from the fantom.

    so i can build the wordpress of everybody’s dreams, and each time you are to add a piece of engine, you compare with the wordpress and make it better. that’s what i had in mind by grabbing all these commercial tools though, as i’m sure they are not written in proper code compatible with your engine.

    i actually have this one in hands: WordPress e-Commerce Plugin a WordPress Shopping Cart Plugin by Instinct … i purchased that one as it was more developped than the « shopp »…

  19. Drew dit :

    Yeah I can send you my engine..

    Oh and I got an idea

    Instead of the idea to have users (or content) shared on a database we need a different system because networks of sites would never be able to have one db being pulled onto sevreal different sites. This is where my idea comes in. I am calling it « Cross Site Syncing » (my term lol). And what happens is on one site you can request to share a table or group of data if the other site accepts the data is « synced » using CRON tasks. For data like users we have a way for a site to connect to another and get a « 1 » or « 0 » output if the name exists. We use the curl function for this and we have a custom web bot for all our sites.

  20. nexia dit :

    your new term need to be rewritten, it’s abbr gives « CSS »… lol

    the logics have to start where all the linked sites are seperate… not the same server, not the same dBs… if we start that way, a multi-sites hosted in the same server same dBs will be quick to fix… but if we do the opposite, we have a mess.

    the problem i see with cronjobs is that people have to wait for their content to be updated. we can instead start a process each time element X or Y is modified. giving a procedural value to each element/event, like editing profile, counting new post, etc, servers can share information on a click, serverside, and it’s seamlessly updated.

    sure, people will not visit all these cousins sites at the same time to look at their updated content, but i know for sure that all our clients will test this, and if the test gives no solid result, they will not purchase it.

  21. Drew dit :

    Yeah what we really need (and something that I’ve alwaysed had aninterest in) is building a script and protocol to connect
    two sites.., sending data is easy but how it’s sent is the important part

  22. nexia dit :

    how is sent is important, and we can put in the protocol 2 or 3 different feeds… like we use the fastest protocol first, if it does not connect we use the second one, etc… by default the engine would store the version of the protocol that work best on day X, so if tomorrow the network change the structure and we can not connect fast enough, we switch to a different version.

    i don’t like conditional connections, but i like cached tests… like each morning, my computer is checking the weather… it knows that the weather channel is updated each 4 hours, so it is sync with it and is not checking the weather each 10 minutes, but each 4 hours on due time…

  23. nexia dit :

    i have a deal now with the guy at WordPress e-Commerce Plugin a WordPress Shopping Cart Plugin by Instinct which say that if we develop a commercial branch of wordpress he will cease us the rights to explode his script to make it compatible with our engine… his ecommerce tool is the most popular in the market right now, and he is adding new features each months. it is actually on test for a wpmu installation here: Getshopped — e-commerce sitebuilder with style … you create your own blog for free, and you add a shopping cart. so as i planned, some external coders could participate by providing their own resources to the project and we would approve the releases… so that’s a first, and a big one… the guy have more than 5000 clients, 200 000+ downloads of the free version.

  24. nexia dit :

    what’s missing in wp/mu/bp:

    1- authentication:
    – secondary: the actual « level » is missing parts, we need a system where we can add secondary accesses, so user X can access feature X because he is in secondary level X. the concept of usergroups is pathetic, giving on/off access to every bit of function is what we call cry-baby; people have to receive access or not, no need for subsidiary accesses.

    – purchasable secondaries: these secondary levels can be purchased by subscription.

    – plugins permissibles to secondaries: each time the webmaster add a new feature/plugin, he also have to set access to each secondary level… a multi-choice dropdown can do the job, or checkboxes.

    2- points/subscriptions:
    – as suggested with Drew’s payment system, we need a single points system that is payable via any selectable provider. when a client try to purchase something, it is offered to him to add more credits to his account.

    – pre-paid deposits: clients can purchase points, giving them a privilege to save on purchases when they already have enough credits in their account. you can see that principle here: WordPress – ThemeForest on the right side… 2$ off, on prepaid deposits. that pre-paid thing is set per purchase on any shop in the system, so we need this feature.

    …. more to come

  25. Drew dit :

    @nexia 25894 wrote:

    what’s missing in wp/mu/bp:

    1- authentication:
    – secondary: the actual « level » is missing parts, we need a system where we can add secondary accesses, so user X can access feature X because he is in secondary level X. the concept of usergroups is pathetic, giving on/off access to every bit of function is what we call cry-baby; people have to receive access or not, no need for subsidiary accesses.

    – purchasable secondaries: these secondary levels can be purchased by subscription.

    – plugins permissibles to secondaries: each time the webmaster add a new feature/plugin, he also have to set access to each secondary level… a multi-choice dropdown can do the job, or checkboxes.

    2- points/subscriptions:
    – as suggested with Drew’s payment system, we need a single points system that is payable via any selectable provider. when a client try to purchase something, it is offered to him to add more credits to his account.

    – pre-paid deposits: clients can purchase points, giving them a privilege to save on purchases when they already have enough credits in their account. you can see that principle here: WordPress – ThemeForest on the right side… 2$ off, on prepaid deposits. that pre-paid thing is set per purchase on any shop in the system, so we need this feature.

    …. more to come

    Actually, for the secondary authentication my idea is that you have a base group with everything on then sub groups to it where you turn on what that sub groups « 1-up » is.

    And with the points again, a core Module, in your code you put: $points_ext = new Module_Points();
    $points_ext->loadPointsData(); …

    You get the idea though

  26. nexia dit :

    yeah, my writing was not about « how to develop » it, but « if we can do it with your system »…

    as i said to the NZ guy, we have solutions… 😉

  27. Drew dit :

    Yeah when I hear an idea though I think about how it could be designed, just a habit

    And my system (as of now) is just a template engine, a autoloader class, a db engine, and some other minor Core extensions.

  28. nexia dit :

    that’s why i suggested to work around wordpress… your engine may be just a draft of engine, but that’s what we need to make everything else work our way…

    example, your template engine, if better than the one in wordpress *(not complicated), we simply drop the wp technique and use yours…

  29. nexia dit :

    from what i see on the market and the development of all these tools right now is that our best shot would be to simply take all the existing/useful addons and rewrite them to be up-to-date with the newer version of wordpress/buddypress, because both will have a new generation in the next weeks/months.

    i know you hate the idea btw, you prefer clean slates, i prefer old grounds… lol we could do seperate right now. no problem with that, i have plenty of things to do right now.

  30. Drew dit :

    Not in a greedy, but if theres a market for it I’d be interested in it lol. SPo your idea would be suites of addons for WordPress?

  31. nexia dit :

    i’m not interested to work for wordpress, i’m interested in all the addons they have that we can grab and rework, merge a lot of them to be single addons — because a lot of them are variations on a single theme…

    by reworking them, we see the flaws, the techniques that could be rehearsed, and the flaws.

    as an example, the e-commerce engine is filled with crappy addons that could be activated by a verification code instead of downloaded by the clients… personally i prefer to release a whole product and sell it complete… addons have to be free, because we already charge a lot for the whole.

  32. Drew dit :

    Ok, so reworking addons for WordPress like e-commerce?

  33. nexia dit :

    nooooo…. rofl…. stop giving me headaches…

    reworking addons the way we need them.

  34. Drew dit :

    oh rofl I didn’t really get what you meant (as you can see).

  35. nexia dit :

    so if they are PHP perfect, we will simply have to change one or two terms/variables to make them work on our engine, isn’t it?

    if we wait until the core is ready,  » i  » will have wasted all my time.

  36. Drew dit :

    Yeah and maybe with things like e-commerce we add the in our Modules and done. And of course change the templates a little to match our coding style better.

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