How about they start cleaning their client’s list?

I’m not frustrated, but i think IB is going way too slow on cleaning their reputation, leaving a load of morons poisoning the entire community over

i got pissed off to visit, but as everybody today, i received the announcement that vb 4.0 RC1 would be released soon… so i visited the licensed members place to read that… « crap »…

vBulletin Community Forum

my answer to Dean…

@Dean C 1863649 wrote:

Why on earth would you launch software in the run up to one of the busiest times of the year? You won’t be able to provide adequate support to customers during that period who are naive enough to upgrade at such a busy time of the year.

always blah blah ‘ing about everything you do not control, isn’t it Dean?

why in hell do you care about how the company will have to handle the support… why are you unable to just wait and see, you whine and whine over and over about ALL THE SH**TY detail over here at and the org… that’s so pathetic.

oh, and btw, with your brain full of knowledge, why are you complaining about support you will never have the need of ?!…

Views: 19

One thought on “How about they start cleaning their client’s list?”

  1. nexia dit :

    … i suppose i will be warned, infracted and banned just because i posted this, but who cares anymore… i would not complain about being banned, but i would complain that Dean was not banned sooner with all the troubles he start since he decided that he was not happy with life…

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