1 Site Issue AND Just Saying Hello

Just saying hi to the Community! Also one small issue when viewing this thread — I cannot see the large attachment image? Why?

Thanks and great work on the modifications Nexy – I’ve always been impressed by your work, even when I’d never ever ever ever admit it haha – But yes – I’ve implemented a few of your modifications on my new WLS forum. So thanks for your brilliant coding work 🙂


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2 thoughts on “1 Site Issue AND Just Saying Hello”

  1. nexia dit :

    yeah, sorry, i’ll fix these attachments… moronish default vBulletin system…

    and yeah, we’re not always in the same side of discussions, but it’s always a pleasure to have someone with a brain in front of me… 🙂

  2. MsJac dit :

    A brain? Well – that may be quite the debate topic in some circles LOL – Anyway – thanks again 😉


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