5 thoughts on “Show Rich Thread Prefixes in Manager”

  1. nexia dit :

    The HowTo ?!

    in file /admincp/prefix.php

    line 1046:

    htmlspecialchars_uni($vbphrase[« prefix_$prefix[prefixid]_title_plain »]) .

    replace with:

    $vbphrase[« prefix_$prefix[prefixid]_title_rich »] .

    …now you can see the prefixes in rich html, that’s useful!

  2. KURTZ dit :

    @ Nexy: i can’t download the attachment … :S

  3. nexia dit :

    bah, permissions… the attachment is the text of my second post…:)

  4. Taragon dit :

    works great with vB4.0.x 🙂

  5. nexia dit :

    in 4.0.x, the line to edit is the number 1048 instead of 1046… but it is exactly the same text.

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