6 thoughts on “Colored Tags Cloud”

  1. nexia dit :

    you can also see it in the footer of the forumhome page…

    you already can edit these details inside the proper template of vB, but nobody does it, because nobody knows it’s possible… i just popup the possibility to enhance the view!






  2. jaderollie dit :

    say i wanted this just above the :-
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    which is right at the bottem>

  3. Taragon dit :

    not really sure which – you’re referring to, though this tutorial is pretty much about styling the tag cloud only. Moving the tag cloud itself will require (at least) some template modification.

  4. jaderollie dit :

    here look at my site :-
    Magical Pro Teachings – Magic

    i want it right at the bottem just above :-

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    all these links, i need to get a partner whos a good site fiddler lol :grin_Grin:

  5. January dit :

    Cool, I like it (:

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