Here is the answer Dr Erwin Loh gave me when i asked him if i would be permitted to port all his releases (the useful ones) on this site…
Erwin wrote:
Hi nexi
No problems, feel free to take over my old hacks and update them – just ensure that you give credit to me as the original coder. That makes me feel nice inside.
Views: 16
oh, btw, a note about the « credits »…
i suppose he refer to the way most coders steal others works, rename the tools, change 2 or 3 lines in them, and re-release the result without giving a thank…
on my side, the thing is plain simple:
you already know how i tag my variables and products… « nex_something »…
so « erwin_something » will be how i do it for Erwin’s work… and we will also have great references to the work done, because it’s my way of doing things!
Hum, as you see, i added the threads regarding all non-deleted releases from Erwin on, and i made it clear to the end of each thread, the reference to the original thread and release.
Reason why? … i will not convert everything, and i will not support anything in that forum. All the threads are closed for one good reason: they are archives.
What is the goal now is to take the ideas of each tool that worth upgrading, and release a complete new version for vBulletin 3.7+ (maybe just 3.8 as it is soon to be released)
I am not providing support for the old stuff, all these hacks were coded for vB 2.0 and 3.0 … and these two versions are abandonned by the company, so who cares… Erwin never released a single hack for 3.5 or newer…
As you can also verify in these releases, is that a lot of them are duplicate from 2 to 3, and some are also NOW integrated in some way to the official vBulletin core. (that means Erwin had pretty ideas, isn’t it?)
Ok now, what we do next? … Erwin may provide me with some extra tools never released, we will see in the next days, but my plan is to keep this stuff archived and develop new solutions for the needs.