Due to some unforseen events…

yeah, there was an internal fight at newmodifications.com, so there is no more development there… i don’t care about the problems, any team can go into fight or problems, this is not new in the market…

btw, i was helping on development of market and i was testing the codes, but as the coder have quit, i have nothing else to do there…

the problem was worst when the site admin decided that i was the one to take the followup of the project under his hand… i think he did not understand my goal there and as he never was able to handle the project like a real manager, serious and narrowed, it was obvious i was not in my place there…

Views: 17

One thought on “Due to some unforseen events…”

  1. seovb dit :

    Sorry to hear that nex!

    BTW the new forum design here looks great, way to go!

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