Rust KIDS Edition – non profit project

« KIDS Edition » is a 2 servers setup for kids under 13 who play Rust even if not legal to do so… Usually it’s because their parents have a Rust account and they are monitored… We will use this assumption.

It’s not only a PVE server, it’s full of fun stuff, roleplay, custom monuments and humorous situations… I’ve been working on younger players setup for a time, as my kids and their schools are requesting a platform to learn survivalism outside of the Minecraft boring structure.

The idea occurred to me to publicize our configuration when MiketheVike posted on of his review on Youtube regarding Bellapig talk with him…

And after checking the comments from some other streams, I just make the conclusion that Rust needs its own « Education Edition », just like Minecraft… And I’ll be working on that for the next months.

The goal is not to make Rust kiddy and bland, but to make it a good platform to learn a lot about survivalism, life in nature, and collaboration. With the passage of OTV, a lot of people think Rust is roleplay platform with a lot of customizations, like in TheSims… But it’s not.  You learn nothing in TheSims… but you can learn to handle electricity, building and agriculture in Rust…

First map i’m publicizing in the next days for this project will be the « La Manic » scenario… The Manicouagan reservoir in north Quebec, Canada, is the biggest meteor crater known to man on earth, visible from space. I use the René Levasseur island in the middle of the crater as a location for this map.  Because i can… 🙂

The scenario?! Bandits use the island to train their springs… when they are strong enough, they go fight the scientists in the hidden station in the crater.


This map will be amazing with the help of Niko, Cobalt and Immp77, with their cool custom monuments… Others will stick with the list when I know exactly where we’re heading…

What I’d like to see from the community is a will to make this project bigger… any admin can provide a server for this project, like they offer PVP servers or custom servers for their friends.

And i’d like to see some Prefab/Monuments Creators release some work that can be placed on a map for kids.  It’s easy you know… Lower complexity of puzzles, add a WoW factor, and that’s it…

You’ll see with the first two servers, filled with great stuff. And if you are a Monuments creator and are interested to participate on the project, just contact me, I’ll be more than happy to install your stuff on the next maps… 🙂


btw, thanks to Kyous for his video feature image… it represent this project so well !!!!

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