It is known to all youtube fans that your prefered Content Creator usually film his most important events during « Wipe Day »… This is supposed to be THE DAY where everything happens, everything is hard, harsh, complicated and exceptional… It is basically refered to the Monthly First Thursday Wipe when forced…
What if i tell you that most of these content creators have their own custom servers and can have a wipe day anytime in the year? Like Blooprint, Stevie, CNDBlood… they all have servers that wipe once a week, and even more often for some. And they all have custom configurations, like extra loot, 2X, etc… Some content creators even invite people to play with them and they can even wipe two or three times a day just to have a perfect match.
It’s so easy to have content when you control your environment. So don’t focus on the « Wipe Day » thing when you watch a video of your prefered streamer. Focus on what he has to offer as level of content.
Content Creators are numerous… there is actually too much of them. 90% of the Rust Streamers have nothing to offer… just their regular gameplay streamed while they have no life whatsoever.
Story Tellers like Frost, Blooprint, Welyn, on the other side, are fluent in creating a mood for their content… Story Telling, even when scripted, is cool for one reason: it tells you that there is more to Rust than just PVP and KOS.
Yes we promote story-tellers, because they have a link with our own activities… Our themed maps/servers are for stories, scenarios, events… Their job is to make it big.
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