On this one, Cobalt decided to invade a strange island south of Hapis, where there was actually nothing interesting… Neighbour of a long extinct volcano, that island is strewn by tons of rock formations that can not be destroyed easily…
Proof, the usual Excavator was broken due to the hardening of the rocks. Cobalt left the island even before covering the roads with asphalt…
So, Cobalt decided to leave the island after an unsuccessful attempt to settle with the usual monuments. There is only room for small buildings which were created by the bandits.
The main focus on this map is the caves and rock formations. A lot of locations you can install a basic settlement, and a lot of caves you can dwelve and install your cave-base in… and find major loots.
There is no major monument on this island, just small buildings usually made by the bandits after Cobalt leave. That rush the player to have to work a little more to have the resources he need to have its kit and win PVPs. But that does not mean there are not interesting surprises…
And what about these 5 surveillance towers… Not only they were used to protect the nature, they are checkpoints for the scientists… which means tier3 loots…
And what is better, after a hard day of PVP than a evening rest at the campfire near the beach?
This map has a lot of cool locations and hard points where to install your little base or your mega Zerg base… like the trenches between rocks or the holes under them. But you need to love complexion and surprises. If you love to install yourself in the arid desert, you’ll be disapointed… work your brain out for a real efficient base, please!
This is a 3333 small map… no compromise, and just roads on the map itself…. Harsh but great for solo players with PVP intentions. The starting loots are enough to sustain more than 50 players for a week, but you may require more loots installation if you plan on doing more on that place. Plugins can be useful to set more features as well.
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