I’ve been storing back-story hints about the Rust game since my first day of play. I’ve watched both Shadowfrax back-story youtube videos, and i’m adding to them… sometimes at the opposite of what Shadowfrax was going in his own path… So, let’s see!
First, Dr Newman’s back-story itself… who is he, or who is he supposed to be?!
The manager of the Project Nova, the instigator of this entire island, Dr Newman has a hasardeous resemblance with another discreet Doctor…
Yeap… you recognise him easily, isn’t it?
Iron Man’s father, John Slattery… i mean Dr Howard Stark, father of Tony Stark… strangely enough, Newman and Stark work in the exact same period in time, same environment in hidden bunkers, developping secret human-based weapons… Remember Captain America, kind of immortal super-hero… similar to the players of Rust, isn’t it
Howard Stark was not only the head of Stark Industries, he was also the leader of a scientific team that engineered Iron Man’s suit, Captain America armor and cells manipulation process, and later on, The Ant Man atomic suit…
and they kinda look alike, isn’t it?
Armin Zola shows Captain America what he became… if you check the scene, and look at what are in the scientific facilities in Rust… the age, etc
But that’s not all… Why « sometime in the 1970’s », Mr Shadowfrax’ question? My question would be « Why Iron Man meet his father on may 1970 when searching for the Tesseract and see Dr Zola’s link with Starks? »… These tunnels are the exact same as in the Military Tunnels… strange, or not?
Next hint to come soon…
Views: 119