Map Contest, first winner

I was too busy with my move, so I forgot to post the article about the Map Contest… tsss that’s bad!

Anyway, blame on me, I now annonce that we started a montly contest that will give the winners a complete custom map for their own server.

So, each month, during the week-end after the Official Wipe, you can subscribe to our contest, and on the next monday’s evening, we draw a name among the registrants.  The question is simple:  Your name and the IP for the server you register to the brawl.  If we pick your name, we check your server, to be sure it exists, and then we contact you.  If we have a deal on what we can build for you, we meet on the deadline*(usually less than 3 days) and invite you to visit the demo of the map that you win and that you will be able to install on your server.

Last month*(october 2020), PrinceVidz was the winner, and the map that was made for him is displayed on the blog already… His server admin is using the map between short wipes, to surprise their players.

This month’s winner is JDnaks, and he asked for a PVP-driven map, with the focus on specific monuments and some surprises… So i built a size 4444 temperate map with a fucked-up mix of terrains, procedural and hand-made details.  The infos about his server will be posted soon.

As the featured photo of this post shows, there is a guarded convoy like no other… stuck between 2 bridges, scientists will stop you with their life so you can not loot the tier 3 military boxes from it.

All the default monuments have a little easter-egg or modification that will give your players an advantage…

There is a fjord on this map, and to speed up your race, you may cross it on the bridge… at your risk, as if there is a sniper or a camper on these towers, you’re cooked!

You may not know it, but the Trainyard has a mini-compound on the side of the road… very useful!

In the dark of the forest, an abandonned secured facility… perfect for a pvp… and some loot

Some strange location, buildable and great as a pvp rendez-vous!

Another location that Base Builders will appreciate, a very long almost dry lake… Building your base on this lake is an advantage.. you will hear everybody passing by…

Tier3 loots, PVE with a lot of scientists, puzzles in tunnels and a nuclear recycler.. why not try this location by night!

There is no Launching Site on this map, does not mean there is no Bradley… that one is guarding the Factory in the background of this abandonned cabin. And if you have an Heli, you can go to the top of these chimneys and have some fun!

This barricade at the end of the road is blocking the access to this great Battlefield, perfect to host some great bases…

No Water Treatment Plant ?! This Water Filtration Station is giving you a little of a Sewer Branch feeling, but clearer!

sometimes we have a little desire, and the best way to solve the problem is to use the service toilet …

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