Project Steep

Steep is a pure fiction based on Rust’ back-story.

This game, Rust, is based on a back-story involving two main companies:  Cobalt, which seems to be developing new tech based on sulfur and uranium, and Zenlabs which is the main transporter of the Cobalt industry.

Apart from the back-story that about nobody knows anything about, there are branches of development that were displayed lately, like the Project Nova – Mars where people spawn on the red planet, in search of solutions to global warming.  There are also some under-developed projects that need to emerge.

Among them is the « Steep » project, where people are evaluated on their capabilities to work in team in the ultimate goal to recreate a community or a society inside a new reality, the aftermath.

This Cobalt Project is different from Savas and Hapis… It is not based on the terrain explored by the people, but is based on the psyche of these people.  What will they do if they are faced with specific dangers? what will they do if they find weapons? what will they do when they understand that they are observed by scientists that refuse to see them leave the island?

In Steep, you are not spawning naked on a beach with a rock.  You spawn on a road, with no memory and no sign of imminent danger… You imagine the rest.

Define Steep: a precipitous place, or to soak in a liquid at a temperature under the boiling point (as for softening, bleaching, or extracting an essence).  Yep, Cobalt want to soak you in a hazardous situation, and extract the best of you in this world.

Project Steep by Rust-Exposed is not affiliated with, nor endorsed by Facepunch Studios LTD. All trademarks, imagery, and logos belong to their respective copyright owners.

Each new map we create under the Project Steep will have the « Steep » prefix to them, so you know the goal of this specific map.

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