Nexia’s BBCode Lyrics

one of a kind, i presume, as nobody else ever coded such a simple feature that could be used on about any forum…

a simple bbcode that let you list songs lyrics in a good way for the eye! just look:


A beautiful and blinding morning

The world outside begins to breathe

See clouds arriving without warning

I need you here to shelter me

And I know that only time will tell us how

To carry on without each other

So keep me awake to memorize you

Give me more time to feel this way

We can’t stay like this forever

But I can have you next to me today

If I could make these moments endless

If I could stop the winds of change

If we just keep our eyes wide open

Then everything would stay the same

the trick is easy… once installed this bbcode work in two ways:

[ LYRICS][/LYRICS ] will list the song lines
[ LYRICS=title of the song, artist, etc][/LYRICS ] will list the song lines with the title containing what’s in the option.

… i plan on adding a button to activate that BBCode.. just need to understand how to do it… rofl

[ LYRICS][/LYRICS ] will list the song lines
[ LYRICS=title of the song, artist, etc][/LYRICS ] will list the song lines with the title containing what’s in the option.

… i plan on adding a button to activate that BBCode.. just need to understand how to do it… rofl

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