In the next 2 or 3 days, the final moves abroad this site will be done regarding the restructuration of the forums, memberships and new products available.
We already have 3 new gadgets to play with, and they will be distributed in our new section called The Enhancements 2010, like the new system called Nexia’s Delete or Move Usergroup, this product add the ability to move orphan users to a different usergroup when deleting a usergroup.
Here is what you have by default with vBulletin when you try to delete a usergroup:
and here is what you will get with the new system:
… all this and more in the next days…
Views: 79
So be sure to sit tight on your chair, we’re going to move a little more, and we surely have problems with permissions all across the site for another week, as usual, as vBulletin is unable to provide serious management for usergroups permissions.
You may have lost your actual rights for download and participation in the forum… this is completely normal, as i was forced to delete a lot of things in the last hours and did not have time to reconstruct everything… *(remember that we’re on january first, holliday!)
… be assured that your rights are well protected still, they will be recovered under the new formula soon enough… sorry for the troubles.
PS: no need to pm me to tell me you have no access… i know about it, and this post is explaining why!
A lot of people actually had a « Member Key » and paid their 10$ for that lifetime access… read this thread here: vbE Complimentaries now packed for 2010, it explains everything… You do not have to subscribe to a new plan right now if you are happy with the complimentaries we left available for you…
I was in the error about the permissions… the system is not THAT flawed, it is my perception of ONE permission that was making all my attempts to be flawed… i was spoofed or so…
and Lynne, graceful explained to me (with the help of Zachery) why i was in the mist… here: Can someone explain to me how the Usergroup Permissions work?
Now everything is fine, i’ll be fixing these permissions tomorrow morning… sorry for the delay.
to make it easier on the eye, the guys who subscribe to a plan this week will have an extension of 15 more days… 🙂
oh, and btw, i continue to stand to the fact that these permissions are a mess…
this permission to actually activate membergroups is completely illogical. if you disable this setting for a primary usergroup but let that usergroup have a paid subscription that give access to a secondary group, you face the problem that the guy will never have his permissions activated…
the only reason why this setting could exists is to enable access to joinable groups…