Calendar roadmap q’s

Lo there,

I am posting here as I can’t post in the calendar forum.

I read a comprehensive post over on the VB forum by a user looking for decent calendar integration into his VB forum…
I laughed my butt off as he should come over here and have his mind warped as to what really is going down with regards to decent future development 🙂


Calendar Features needed:

Hello all,

I know this is a long question.

While I can create a separate calendar for each state and their districts I need to be able to do a few things.

Maybe vB can’t but I’m looking for any native or plug-in capability (or future release) or I’ll have to pass on vB for now:

1. Create categories (with sub-categories as a preference)
1.1 Allow events to be members of more than one category (nice but not 100% required)
2. Allow calendar event presentation by selected category
3. View two calendars at the same time with the category selected
4. Enter a start and end time for events
5. RSVP for events
6. Have a place for address entry and google maps support
7. Allow the creation of « region » or « locality » for event (or even something called « groups ») for events.

I’m looking to move somes sites from Joomla and SMF, if you look at Joomla add-in jCal you will see what I’m looking for (but they do not have an RSVP system).

Categories are important – but are needed in addition to multiple calendars.

I can create a different calendar for each state but each state will have events from one (or more) categories.

For instance if I go to PA-Eastern and select « Fishing » I should be able to see only « Fishing » events.

It would be nice if I could select the « multiple calendar view » and select PA-Eastern and PA-Western and see all « Fishing » events from both calendars.

If I could select multiple categories I could look at PA-Eastern « Fishing » and « Boating » concurrently on the same calendar.

If sub categories were employed I could look at PA-Eastern « Fishing…Fly Fishing ».

If Groups were employed I could look at PA « Groups PA-East and PA-West » with category « Fishing » (which could be used to decrease the need for many separate calendars).

Of course having the ability to enter an address may allow search by state, allowing RSVP would allow members to RSVP for and review events they plan on attending.


Link: Calendar Features needed

This user has utterly echoed what I and a load of other forum owners would like to see.
The forum is the core. But the modules such as calendar/events/groups/event location maps etc have to be seamlessly integrated in a manner that is also easy to customise.

I know it seems that the event component is only for event organisers but that is why it’s never been properly developed for. Nonetheless, events go hand in hand with posts and from users to event organisers, loads of people need a decent implementation of this to link events/posts/cms.

I would also like to add that I feel that along with Event RSVP being mega important, I would also like to see a form of subscription where a user can set the level they wish to be notified. For example: they can set to be notified only if an event is created or they can also set to also be notified as that event is discussed.


Views: 71

8 thoughts on “Calendar roadmap q’s”

  1. nexia dit :

    for the last request over that post, notifications… that’s already default on calendar and forum, so adding my engine make it seemlessly the answer, even if not complete yet.

    ok thanks for the post, i answered the guy to come here to visit, but i’m sure they will delete the post… and ban me???

    having a good number of clients would be the best reason why i would develop a complete solution, but with no real budget for it, it is complicated to develop something for only 2 or 3 clients when it cost 250 or 500 hours of man power… 🙁

  2. mandrin dit :

    Hehehe, I would like to see how long your post stays up there… 😉

    How much do you think a complete solution would cost? I paid $1500 for similar solution that was a lame duck as the developer did not listen to what I wanted. Ye I was stiffed but at the time there was nothing out there. Multiply my loss by al the other poor ignorant sods out there and it equals a fair chunk of cash!

    Nex, if you can develop the app that also offers a shopping cart component, do you think it’s doable?
    Something must be done to get cash into your hands so you can develop these apps!!!

    P.S. Have you heard of Dolphin by Boonex?

  3. nexia dit :

    stop talking about Dolphin right away… rofl it’s pure bulls**t… lol

    actually, there is no « complete solution » possible… everybody have needs for feature X or feature Y that would lead to rework some parts of any code anyway… what is needed is a base that we can manipulate with addons, but vBulletin is far from it.

    right now we’re « planning » an engine, but with the lack of budget, we really have to work on other projects at the same time, splitting our time way more than life permit.

  4. mandrin dit :

    Hehe, I knew you’d hate it.

    I hear you about a « complete solution », as there is just so much that is needed, but in unique ways.

    Added to this is your busy family and time is a very precious thing indeed to spend with the kids.

    Ag, all good things come to those who wait, but as I said before I will help where I can insofar as my limited skill permits 🙂

  5. nexia dit :

    some have skills, some have money… both are usually rare on the same person.. rofl

  6. mandrin dit :

    LOL so true!!!

    It’s the same as fitness freaks who watch their diet, don’t drink smoke etc and who drop dead from a heart attach at age 30 and a beer/greasy food/chain-smoking non-exerciser who lives to the ripe old age of 90…. hehehehe, That’s life I guess.

    Seriously tho,

    Do you know of anyone (you included) who in the mean time can design an add on for me to have a googlemap for each event? I will pay for this and can provide a link for basically what I am looking for…

  7. nexia dit :

    i have 2 competitions on the row this week-end, that’s why i was not working on this yet, but i have something pretty simple to add actually, which i will do by christmas times…

  8. mandrin dit :

    Well no worries then 😉

    I wait to see the creations and for my jaw to hit the floor even harder, LOL

    Thanks, Nex

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