4 thoughts on “groups”

  1. Taragon dit :

    Well, the list of features are pretty much described at the first post you’re linking at.
    As the main calendar integration isn’t available yet, I have disabled that thus far.

    Personally, I really like the use of bb code at the main description


  2. jaderollie dit :

    mmmmmmm still not what i meant, here look at mine :-
    Magical Pro Teachings

    i know mine are abit broke, but is this one better???

  3. Taragon dit :

    can’t really tell, as I’d have to register. also, there’s a difference between better and preferred 😉

    however, just create a new group, and compare each step with the screens available here: https://unpapapro.com/social-groups-enhancements-bundle/bundles-screenshots/5189/

  4. jaderollie dit :

    mine is broke, so this works at least lolol 🙂
    does this install on top of my existing groups??

    im not bothered if i lose it all, as its not off the ground yet, i just want to know if i can get rid of mine

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