0- we take a nude vB 3.8.4 and integrate all the existing tools to it
1- we drop a lot of things, like the products engine, the hooks, etc once we integrate all the possible addons on the market.
2- we take everything we’ve written about vBulletin 5.0 before
3- we mimic all the useful tools from WordPress, Joomla or others…
4- etc
i want to know right away who’s with me…
i have no money for this, i lost all possibilities of contract for the next months, but i am able to code and fast if i do not have to « imagine » a tool.
Views: 195
Ok I would be I interested a few questions though..
What is your plan for this? Sell it to the public, select groups, etc
Would you sell this? (profit possibility?)
the goal is the vertical market, above 500$ piece… webmaster with multiple clients, site owners with multiple sites, etc…as well as independant clients.
sure i will have a market, i do not plan to sell it before it makes a lot of profits… or maybe someone like IB would have 20Millions to put in my pocket… rofl
lol yeah the things I’d see as a must do feature:
– Multiple Site management with ability to « share » information about accounts, forums, threads, etc.
– Cross Site Content Management: pages are all dynamic you can add modules and you can add pages. Core pages will have default modules for the content
Oh and the content management would be all drag and drop (similar to apples dashboard, if you’ve ever used it)
@Drew 23348 wrote:
did i ever mentioned to you that i’m an Apple Genius for 25 years?
oh, btw, we will integrate this: Postal and ZIP Code database – Buy
do not check the price, i talk about the location database type… with a postal code, you have some information… we can purchase a license for these databases and integrate one in our product, like in Photopost Classified — but with a better database system…
i like to know that the guy i chat with is 54 miles from home, or the cute admin is too far for me to lurk on her…
it is the only way to really manage localization of members, and no need of googlemaps with this… or at least not directly. with that kind of database, we know where the people are, so with a google maps integration, no need to pay for google location service, we already have the data…
we could offer something like integrated localization for any member, each time the postal code is modified for a member, they ping our master server to have the data…
Yeah we should try to make our system extremely extendible similar to Zend Frameworks solution of Helper classes and make it all a system so developers and us can be happy with making addons. We should also load our system with APIs (only useful of course) but just enough that again developers will WANT to use our system
yeap, that’s the goal.
Yeah another thing I was thinking about is the possbiility of two admin panels. One « developer » with all options that would require knowledge of PHP, HTML, etc. Then another panel for just « normal admin » that could add users, sections (forums), articles (threads), and basic HTML options. The two panels would have a simple link two switch back and fourth.
actually i prefer inline administration, most of the features of a CP are for developers… if you need to create a new user, you would have a link and a page like the one we have when we edit our own profile… that let us the availability of only one « profile.php »… and the capability for the member to have « edit my username » etc without adding much code, as it would exists in one single place instead of two or three if you calculate the modcp
Yeah as far as inline administration we could make the widget/module setup really look like the apple dashboard have a div stay at the bottom with all available widgets then have an « Options » button on every widget that could launch something similar to vbulletins lightbox with all the settings for that widget.
come on Drew, don’t tell me you like the Mac OS?.. rofl
lol I am a Mac guy, I have the laptop, a desktop, and an iPhone lol..
Anyway the other thing that we need to really be sure to do on our system is to stop using forums and threads.. Users will think it’s just a basic forum system we need to use new terms like Sections and not really sure what for threads
that’s why we brainstormed the MTF for so long… having a main core like the one you built is the only thing we need…
price starting at 500$… not below. we will evaluate its cost once we finish the first RC
Ok before we start though I think we should really make a road map of what we want include in the first release and then what we will add later.. We should also make goals for when we want thar features done by so we can have a rough idea of what to spend time on and what to put to the side.. Oh and a project name would be good for varible names.. What should it be?
project name: The Legend: something everybody heard about but never seen… rofl
just a joke, this is what i call my projects when they are just un brainstorm.
yes, a roadmap is essential, and this is what we will write here in the next days, we’re actually brainstorming it so we forget nothing. we had most parts of it while https://unpapapro.com/jawbreaker/vbulletin-5-0-brainstorm/5153/ and i think it summarise the structure, so now we need the roadmap of elements.
i suggested to use the actual vBulletin for the startup, not because i want the code of it, we will rewrite it completely, but i need the base of the best forum software on the market right now to enhance it to the max and then make it ours. that way, we are sure to compete the « features » when people will try to compare vB with our engine. we will be able to say « we have everything from vB and more, way more… »…
as i actually have everything vB, even the Suite when it is released *(i have 2 Suite licenses), we will be able to have a working board with vBulletin 4.0, IPB 3.1++, WordPress, BuddyPress etc… we will install all these engines and take everything from them. not the code but the ideas and concepts.
as example, the plug&play of WordPress.. the way we upload/install plugins from it.
we will be able to list each part of the site in the roadmap, like forum, calendar etc, because each of them is a plugin, not a core element… as i’m more into concepts and structure than code, i will be able to write a lot about these features, and we will need some guys to help on the codes to speed up things. with the riot of vBulletin lately, i sure will have more than guy on it.. .:)
oh, and by installing a lot of things, i mean even the commercial nulled illegal cheated things ya know… the testgroung will be private, i want everything.
i checked on the market btw, and even if my calendar is not complete yet, it is the more complete on the php market, with all the features there is… versatile etc.
Ok, so next step: looking at what software is out there and take all the good concepts?
a note on collaboration: i want something rare on the market, collaboration of external third-party vendors/producers.
as an example, i want the guy who design these: Onion_Emoticons pictures by onionethan – Photobucket to be contacted to have a deal with him to be able to release a pack of smilies of his suite… having this internal to the company will enhance our capability to have exclusive work but also have the collaboration of these guys who always need to be credited for their work.
we will have to check any license formula to see what we can do.
what i think is that an open-source license is not good, but a closed copyleft either, so we may even have to write our own license.. rofl
Oh and as far as taking the core of vb when I start adding some of the core features we made it will not resemble vb at all
sure, we know it, just correcting the 94 $query = »; in the code will simply drop eventually a lot of obsolete structures…
i’d like to find someone from PHP.net or similar to work with us on the code once we’re ready to overhaul the PHP to the newest technologies… they are costly, so we have to find someone interested to join the party.
and we will offer service like here: Psd to Xhtml, Psd to Html, Psd to WordPress, Psd to Joomla, Psd to Magento
so if someone already have a style on anyother platform we import from, we will provide a designer who is able to switch the work…
Yeah we should definitely offer services to help users ease there switch (maybe a sale for the first month where we will take there old forum import it and keep all there settings and style for a reduced price).
Also when do we want to start this? One of the first steps (after planning) would be taking apart vb, should I start this or is it to early
it is not too early, but i want first to have a complete vB with everything we can find… like grab everything »useful even if badly coded » from vb.org, and also add others like photopost etc… i have most of them with licenses… like the whole package of vbcover…
once we have a complete working perfect version, we package it to be in archive, and we start playing with it.
i tell you my schedule:
1- this week to come i recover everything we know about vB, and i start installing everything on the « playground » version.
2- we continue brainstorming, because we’re far from it.
3- next week i have 4 days completely off here, just one kid at home outside of school hours, so she will not bother me, i can work seriously… in that moment i will focus on this merging of vB… i know someone at vb.org coded something to avoid the products and merge the hooks into the files directly, so i will check that… we need to do it, as will drop the whole product manager anyway, same for the style… we will start anew.
oh, we need to grab as much information as we can about interactivity between server and php… example, managing php.ini for each client of the webmaster, same for editing htaccess on the fly depending on configurations, not about client details but about performances…
same for whm access to statistic engines, so we do not need to code any, we simply use the server-side stats system…
same for the emailing system… we have to know if we can create new email accounts outside the usage of a catchall that are not blocked in most web-servers due to spam…
some advancements:
Automatic Template Compiler – vBulletin.org Forum we will switch the actual template engine to something related to files, so we can create a real template engine later instead of the actual crap… will speedup our development right now.
we need a multi-dB system right away… even if MySQL is the most popular, if phpBB and IPB are able to do it, we can too
we also need a UTF-16 encoding… if we start with UTF, we do not have to re-encode, only when we import an older forum, which can be done simply with utf_encode()…
we need every backstore task to be called by Ajax… instead of the cronjob call in the footer of vB, a simple ajax call can activate everything the same way, without waiting for a return, as ajax is asynchroniously genious!
we will contact all the companies just CommissionJunction, idevAffiliate etc, and will suggest them to add their system to ours, so their name will be listed as partners… great advertising for them, for us, and ease of installation for the client… $$$
oh, we need a file architecture for the core, and i think we will use like WHM system:
this is an example, we do not create the public_html, WHM is doing it… but we will not cache each client data in the core engine, we will store it in each client’s location, so they are having the right stats from WHM or CPanel…
the core have to be below, OR at the client level if the client have a single installation version… so it does not calculate for the user’s storage space.*(would be unfair)
Ok I think for a Javascript engine we should use YUI 3, it is very stable we can have it load from there site, and instead of it calling all its utilities and initing them all it only starts them if you call them (big performance boost).
Also as far as multi-dbs that would be really easy as all it we need is master DB class for basic actions then we just make a class for each DB type that extends the basic class..
As far as the template system YES! we need a file base system just HTML with < ?php tags. Zend Framework does it and it works fine. We just need to find a way so that users can't access the template directory or look at the files (like )
@nexia 23382 wrote:
Yeah that is the best setup except most inexperienced clients will not know how to install it.
hey, aren’t we supposed to provide professional install?…
the install process will be automated, remember… you ftp the « install.php » file in your core url, and the script install the files from our main server on the fly…
Ok jelsoft employies always said that was a security risk.. Do you think it is fine?
ask yourself what Jelsoft staff are doing right now…
i’m not listening a single member of that company right now, they are making their project drown rapidly because they are lambs…
we are not building our plan based on vbulletin, we branch apart from it, we will build it the best way possible from the opposite path… IPB, phpBB, WordPress etc are using file-based themes
Yeah and using an install script that gets remote files could also make an easier license checking system.. The install script asks for a customer number and then it sends what they send to us we check the website path and number if they match we send files
and when a client move his site, the install script will check back the echo of that new server and edit the configs accordingly, for the serverside infos like php etc…
and back to our system, the client will be able to have promotions of our services, like renewal of leased addons *(when they do not purchase them full price) etc
yeah, that’s something i thought about…
how do we sell addons? the main system is able to handle a bunch of features, but we need to have sellable addons, and we need a formula that any coder will apply to to be able to be listed in our list of outsourcerers.
something like:
you purchase a addon, 100$
if that addon is linked to another created by that coder, we provide a 50% rebate on the other addons from that coder…
the only way we could do it is by tracing the installed addon on a client’s server
so my view is that the AdminCP have to be also a Cart where the admin can deal new addons compared to his existing installation… simple codes are needed, no fancy verifications, we never loose anyway.
Yeah we shouldn’t do leased licenses.. And as far as addons we are going to make our members area license manager so we will have full control of how we want to go about selling it.
Also do you think we should wait for vbulletin 4 and use that core instead of 3.8 as 4 will have the latest php coding and then we can really beat them out as we will be building off their « best »
4.0 will be released in beta in the next hours *(hey, i got my insights)
so we will be able to evaluate both, but as i can see, the major changes will be the template system and the additions, like the CMS… which are both elements we rally don’t want.
there will be bug fixes, but no major thing in the code… or they all lied to me… rofl
Yeah once the beta is released i will look and probably take its core (it can only have advantages over 3.8 anyway?)
Also this is my rough draft for moving content in our pages: List reorder w/Bubbling obviously not eye candy but this java script combined with our templates it will be very powerful
Ok, kind of an old topic but…When are we going to start thing what is the plan?
I was waiting for the last days of delay i gave Ray Morgan… it ends tomorrow morning. do you think he will reply??
right now, we work the last details until tomorrow, and we can start to assemble our playground. suggestions on technicals?
lol it would be great if he did
Technicals we support the latest version of PHP we use entirely OOP.. I’ve been doing a little refreshing on it and I think we can really make it a very advanced core.
i mean technicals, what we use, you like CVS?… i hate that… lol
If I understand correct you are basically are setting up something similar to Acquia / phpbb plus? Meaning the stock engine only featuring the best available plugins? I guess I’m interested, especially since I’m doing some redecoration already at vampireacademy.net.
I might be broke at the time though..
@nexia 23537 wrote:
I feel like I should know it but I have no idea what CVS is lol
so what do you suggest then ?
i used a CVS engine back in the Postnuke period, it was risky.. lol
I am not really sure.. Do you know any alternatives? If you don’t CVS should be fine (I just looked it up)
sourceforge is a good alternative for open-sources, but i would suggest we go private, no?
subversions engine are popular, i don’t know any that would fit my stupidity
Yeah we should be private, more professional.
We can try it what ever you think is easier and better
Revision control – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
we need a solution related to that… have a look, i have clients software for all these…
Yeah that would be the best kind of software solution for this project
hum, that is what a CVS is btw.. rofl
we need it self hosted though, not on a public server.
i will see if we can host it on my station, i just need to see the way i can put a webserver on my Time Capsule..
do you think it’s possible?
Probably I’m not the most familar with this kind of development (cvs) but it should be
you know Time Machine on your Mac, a CVS is the exact same thing… actually Time Machine IS a CVS…
we just need to find the right version that could be used on private platform without having to host it on a master engine… because a CVS is basically a linux server on its own, it requires serverside configs… and i do not want to pay for that too.. lol
i’ll browse the availabilities
edit: i checked, impossible to have TC make a webserver… i will host it on my own hostgator server….
Ok keep me posted