new « Manage Points (0) » in the navbar… what’s that ?

The MTF Points system is installed on the site right now, for testing purposes…

The MTF Points system is based on a logic of commercial purchases on a website, it’s not a game or a system to gain credits by posting on this site… You will not be able to use these points if you purchase any yet, but in the near future, it will become the main mean to purchase products and support here.

There will be a complete description of the engine soon, and a list of all the possible usages you can have with it… But lets say that right now, people can purchase points with it, and when needed, claim a refund, which will be sent to their paypal account *(because i do not have anything else than paypal right now). This refund is managed by moderation, the system manager (admin or super-mod) have the access to approve a refund or not. You can imagine that it’s more complicated that way, but for a company, it is more efficient to have a direct access to that kind of transaction, and it’s the best way to control what we have in hands.

There is already such kind of system on or where they have a payment process based on points that you purchase via paypal to pay for an Ads or open a Project. Now you will be able to own such system, and it is designed to fit any kind of community, of any size!

You will be informed of the developments of this engine in the next days…

Views: 38

One thought on “new « Manage Points (0) » in the navbar… what’s that ?”

  1. nexia dit :

    a note: this system can quickly interact to your existing points system, like vbCredits or vbCash, and let your users take their credits and purchase points, or you can simply merge both systems to have only one engine… so people can gain « MTF Points » by vbCredits, when posting, replying, visiting etc…

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