11 thoughts on “Lovely lovely”

  1. nexia dit :

    Shelley has a lot to be blamed for, so i suppose i can afford that since she is priceless…

  2. Azhria Lilu dit :

    She’s something 😉

    I tried to put her as a referrer but it didn’t give me the option on registration.

  3. Shelley dit :

    Yup, don’t worry about me I only visit here. Pretend I’m inactive. Probably the 3 most sarcastic people to grace the vbulletin world. I’m a little rusty nowadays I’m trying to make a good impression but thus far it’s failed.

    Welcome Az. :grin_Sealed:

  4. Azhria Lilu dit :

    Sarcastic? Me? Dunno what you mean :p Sweet and innocent I am!

  5. nexia dit :

    Shelley, you fail drastically being sarcastic, i’m way more dangerous than you will ever be… people give you their pardon

    and btw, no need to give a good impression here, i know how bad and ugly you can be … rofl

  6. MsJac dit :

    No invite for me – but I sniffed out the site whilst my nose was a bit runny 😀


    btw – Hey Girls – Hi Nex – nice site – very nice modifications!

  7. nexia dit :

    Hi Jacquii …

  8. Azhria Lilu dit :

    Hey Jacquii!!

  9. mikey1991 dit :

    Surrounded by girls! ono.gif

    Hey 🙂

  10. MsJac dit :

    LOL – Girlies Girlies Girls! hahaha — Hey Azh! 😛

  11. nexia dit :

    hum, ok, i’ll have to severe on this… please, calm down, ladies… Mikey, relax, take a walk if you can’t refrain yourself when surrounded by these cuties.

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