Multi-Type Releases Engine for Corps

Here is a quick snip of what the Releases Engine will look like, with some features:

1. New Postbit – similar to vb.orgs but not same
2. Tag Modification
2a. View Tag Page Exists
3. The fowling custom fields: Price, Version, Supported, DB Changes, Uses Plugins, Edit Templates, Auto-Template Edits, Re-usable Code, Code Changes, Additional Files, Translations , External Content, Beta Stage
4. Attached Files are hidden until a license is purchased using credits UNLESS product is free in which case files can be downloaded with out a license
5. Payout Sets – In Admin CP you set up percents of profits are given on a set basis
5a. Sets can be forum specific with an option in the forum manager for payout set
6. Modifications Tab in User profile with that users Modifications
7. A View Licensed Mods Page where a table of all modifications that user has a purchases license for
8. Built-in support for my points engine

Views: 16

2 thoughts on “Multi-Type Releases Engine for Corps”

  1. nexia dit :

    What will this be used for?

    software developers, games developers, products releases/display.

    This is not a system for the small sites which have only a few downloads locked in a private forum, this is a tool for the companies that need to control the support and releases of their products.

    Based on this, you can add the Multi-Type Support forum, and the « Office is Open » engines that gives you the flexibility to offer live support and complete privacy on your clients.

    The Releases Engine is coded by [user]Drew[/user], who is the main engineer of the old and abandonned vBMA system. I hired him because he was worth way more than anyother coder for that kind of project. He now handle this project on his own to be free of any boundaries that i could apply to the development… and he work faster than i could ever be… 🙂

  2. nexia dit :

    by the same move, we’re installing this system on vbE, and we will drive all our releases and support with this engine, so you can see it in action.

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