MTF Master, Releases Engine, and Points Engines BETA

Well after much hard work here is the update beta of MTF and beta one of the releases and points engine..
Install Steps:
1. Upload MTF Files
2. Install MTF product
3. Upload Points and Releases Files
4. Install Products..

NOTE: Currently on the points engine i have it in « developer mode » this mean it uses features (you should probably get an account so you can test this)

Views: 601

75 thoughts on “MTF Master, Releases Engine, and Points Engines BETA”

  1. Drew dit :

    I updated the files i fixed some errors that happened with installing a product with postfields.

  2. nexia dit :

    is your points system will answer this guy’s request? Forum

    … pm him if yes… 🙂

    ok, forget it, i contacted him, it’s not what he search… but i suppose it is related to a product he is requesting, because he is always requesting things over there… 🙂

  3. Drew dit :

    Actually i think it does PMing him now.

  4. nexia dit :

    lol…ok, i let you do the work, you’re better than me!

  5. Drew dit :

    lol yeah, he hasn’t replied yet but that may be the first customer, anyway i’ve tested the releases and points engine and so far they same pretty stable

  6. nexia dit :

    good then… i’m packing the kids this morning, and continue my arguments on about how stupid it is to not take me as a beta tester for vb 4… rofl

  7. Drew dit :

    lol sounds like fun, good luck

  8. Drew dit :

    Ok Here is another update version of the entire bundle it mostly fixes install errors that i kept getting

  9. nexia dit :

    hum, i’ll see…

    can you seperate the releases and the points system?

    not that i don’t like it, but some solutions are to provide the points system with some other MTF, so having to buy the Releases package would be unfair…

    so personally i would do the opposite.. the points system inside the MTF, with very basic addons, for the 100/150 $$… i do not remember how we evaluated the value of the basic package.

    so for the 150$, we would have:

    MTF Core
    MTF points
    MTF 2 or 3 small addons

    MTF support and debug, lifetime
    MTF completely unbranded, no matter what
    MTF downloadable, lifetime, all versions *(until we die)

    isn’t it correct?

    i think just that package with the support is really fair already!

  10. nexia dit :

    ARGH. i just look at the release… i’m stupid… rofl

    ok, first… no vbe_ prefix… everything is mtf_ , as it’s all part of one engine… it’s not vbEnhancer, it’s DREW who coded this. so if you decided to go with the MTF, we go all the way. i’m just a « reseller » here!

  11. nexia dit :

    ADD `vbe_points` VARCHAR( 10 ) >> make it 22 … 10 is too small if someone have decimals and play D&D with the credits.

  12. Drew dit :

    Yeah actually the Points system doesn’t require the releases engine requires the points engine. Here is an update bundle.

  13. nexia dit :

    for the euro sign, use this: & # 8364 ;

  14. Drew dit :

    Ok i will fix all of this and have yet another bundle lol

  15. nexia dit :

    having a single protocol for the names will help you anyway, finding errors and us being identified properly.

    … see, 2 weeks ago a guy popped up here, saying he was interested to buy my products… he said he was informed of where i was because of one of the addons he downloaded « elsewhere »… *(i suppose vbTeam) … but as i never put the site’s url on the stuff i put on vbteam, i asked him « how »… lol … he said he searched the name of the product on google… as it was renamed he did not find it directly… he checked the code and searched for the variables in it… (he is a coder though)… he searched for the name of the variable on google … « nex_channels_page_rss » … and he found my site instantly… rofl

    see how naming variables is important… i made a client… rofl

  16. Drew dit :

    Yeah here is the newest beta with vbe_points now mtf_points

  17. nexia dit :

    strangely, i thought this bug was corrected long time ago:

    when in Forum Manager:

    Warning: require_once(/home/nexialys/public_html/vbenhancer/mtf/mtf_master_adminfunctions.php) URL= » »]function.require-once[/URL: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/nexialys/public_html/vbenhancer/admincp/forum.php(58) : eval()’d code on line 1
  18. Drew dit :

    Oh yeah that was me trying to clean up some files, its not needed but it was still being pulled in. Here is an updated product file

  19. nexia dit :

    ok, when we have a working version on hands, i will clean the code to « look » more comfortable… right now, we still see your own license infos on top of some files you copied, and the entire protocol for writing the lines is not right, it so look like you made it on rush… rofl

  20. Drew dit :

    lol yeah i’m more into how it works then looks, anyway on Monday i will just give you my current copy because i’ve been testing and testing and I’m pretty confident and by then ill be positive.

  21. nexia dit :

    ok then… good. no biggy for my comments, i just want to see your work perfect, so i see what i can do to help.. 🙂

    i’m doing the same for my designer, she’s actually working on 2 or 3 projects beside mine, so i try to push her a little.. rofl

  22. Drew dit :

    ok yeah actually instead of Monday i’ll say Friday (i got my calendar messed up rofl)

  23. nexia dit :

    egypsian calendar… go figure, we’re still in Canada…?

  24. Drew dit :

    Ok, after testing every feature of the points engine (there aren’t that many). i am pretty confident that it is stable. The one thing that i’ve noticed though is it is very hard to work with paypal and multiple currencies (it likes to always make it into US dollars and then round it which can change the number of credits slightly on large amounts), so when we release it we should definitely add some sort of warning/recommendation to the release thread.

    Oh and btw: i figured since im done testing it ill give it to you for the ultimate test, and then i’ll give you the releases engine in a few days when i think its stable

  25. nexia dit :

    hum, yeah, i know that paypal bug, it’s the same inside the real vB engine… that’swhy people is prefered to always use the US$ price and then convert directly at… like i do… 🙂

    i’ll install this version on the site, and make it run for the next days… there is not much to do outside of adding addons that change the forum, like the article and links… i’ll ask OblivionKnight to play with it as a moderator…

  26. Drew dit :

    Yeah, the one thing i just remembered is that it currently uses the paypal sandbox site, if you want it to use the actual paypal site in the plugin ‘Add Navbar Link’ change the line:
    [PHP]define(‘mtf_points_use_sandbox’, true); [/PHP] to
    [PHP]define(‘mtf_points_use_sandbox’, false); [/PHP]

  27. nexia dit :

    hum, yeah, because i do not use the sandox… 🙂

  28. nexia dit :

    so, i see that the points system is basic.. can you make a pre-official description of this addon, so we can show our clients when it is time? same for the features of the other addons…

  29. nexia dit :

    for the next minutes i’ll be reading your codes and make some esthetic changes to what you just sent me… so do not modify anything until i post you my version, or we will move twice in both directions.

  30. Drew dit :

    Yeah right now my focus is the releases engine, anyway so i wont be touching those files

  31. nexia dit :

    here is my result…

    1- changed the queries look
    2- changed some variable names as there was « nexia » and « vbenhancer » in them
    3- changed some url path
    4- changed the Points structure to fit the same as the Master — everything in the /mtf/ folder
    5- tada


  32. Drew dit :

    Ok, sounds good. Now the important question is it working for you?

  33. nexia dit :

    the only glinch i have on installing everything is that the field « mtf_answer_staff » have a duplicate in db error…


  34. Drew dit :

    Yeah that one i cant explain? But with the Answers and Links addon there is one change i made to the product files install codes to help with adding the thread fields.

  35. nexia dit :

    error when i try to edit a post on ajax:

    Database error in vBulletin 3.8.3:

    Invalid SQL:
    UPDATE vbe_mtf_postfield_data SET

    ### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
    `mtf_link_info` = ‘b:0;’
    WHERE postid = ‘22254’;

    MySQL Error : Unknown column ‘mtf_link_info’ in ‘field list’
    Error Number : 1054
    Request Date : Wednesday, July 15th 2009 @ 04:10:04 PM
    Error Date : Wednesday, July 15th 2009 @ 04:10:05 PM
    Script :
    Referrer :
    IP Address :
    Username : nexia
    Classname : vB_Database_MySQLi
    MySQL Version : 5.1.30

    … the big point is that i did not set any MTF yet, this function is not supposed to run until it is in a forum that is set to MTF…some missing (if MTF something…)

  36. Drew dit :

    Ok, the thing is none of the links engines plugins would cause this they all have a check for the right forum type. Look in the Fields manager find that field (mtf_link_info) and make sure its set to links type. This is the only way that error could come up, as i am not getting it on my test board?

  37. nexia dit :

    hum, this was a clean install, strange that you get no error… tssss

  38. Drew dit :

    Yeah i am not positive but i think it had something to do with that the product i tested with had a very slightly different install script (the part that added the fields) and i think on the old file it wasnt adding them right. Anyway there was one error i found in the points install script so here is another update bundle

  39. nexia dit :

    new project plan: replace the USERCP with an independant CP… MTF user CP does not have to be shelled inside the userCP, and we will surely have to add more options in the MTF_CP when we add more Types… so we have our own CP, will be easier… 🙂

    can you work this out, or i take 10 minutes to code one?

  40. nexia dit :

    ok, and two bugs with the Points process:

    1- table « mtf_points_payout_requests » does not exists, it is not created in the install either.
    2- « vb_paymentinfo » table is created in the process, but does not content the same structure as the requested « mtf_points_payout_requests » table, so i do not know if it is the right table, there is not « id » in it, which drives the « mtf_points_payout_requests » table…

    3- could you transform the process for « mtf_points_use_sandbox » so the admin can have it as an option to choose the sandbox?… i can do it, but you’re the one playing with the code right now, you have your reasons… 🙂

  41. Drew dit :

    Yeah i actually have fixed all these errors already 😉 except for making the option so will do

    I will make one because i made a few changed to the points engine so i don’t want to have to « merge » the products. I will add the MTF_CP to the base and make it expendable later for all the MTF serious.

  42. nexia dit :

    ok, one thing i just got in mind…

    specific affiliate id related to rebates per seller… so if someone come here to purchase one product, he can enter the affiliate id of who he wants, and if he come back later to buy something else suggested by someone else, he can enter that different affiliate id…

    like at vbSEO where we enter the affiliate of who we want when we purchase …

  43. Drew dit :

    Yeah what i think i’ll do is not make any more addons to the current version of the releases and then on the next features update i will add that and the other big idea had was a Promotions Manager where users who sell products can set up promotions in the MTF CP for all or just certain products. And for the MTF CP would you mind making that template? i started making and i realized, i am not really getting what you wanted? If you could and you give me it i will add it to the Master

  44. nexia dit :

    i’ll do it, its simple… adding hooks properly is also easy… 🙂

  45. Drew dit :

    Thank you, we could probably release the master MTF files after this and a few more days of testing

  46. nexia dit :

    did i tell you we had our first clients on the row?

    vBulletin Community Forum

    … it’s not the first time we see that kind of post on, but lately, with the 4.0 announcements, we see more of them…

    MTF is actually exactly what they want…

  47. Drew dit :

    Sorry for the late reply, but i mean the system makes sense and i think i made it right so it should be exactly what people want

  48. Drew dit :

    Here is another update beta with all reported errors fixed and the new MTF CP

  49. Drew dit :

    MTF Releases Beta… So here it is with a full promotions engine

  50. nexia dit :

    Oh… 😉

    will check this and test it here… will see if it works, i have about 30 downloads per day right now… 🙂

  51. Drew dit :

    Ok the one thing I’ve noticed is for some reason the language cache wont get reset on import so you have to pick any phrase click edit the just save it and it will work fine… If you find a solution for that please share 😉

  52. nexia dit :

    lol… i know why, no problem… btw, i check later tonight… i tested the install, but i forgot to send you back the modified MTF files, so there is errors … lol… the system now check the field creation on install which is now different than the regular use.. 🙂

  53. Drew dit :

    Ok yeah send me the new files and i will update it 🙂

  54. nexia dit :

    ok, i just re-installed everything, uninstalled all, re-installed everything, uninstalled all, re-installed the master, the articles and links, and i see… after like 100 tries and tests, that you forgot a main detail on the product that gives me a good hint in one situation: you never tested the types.

    they can not work without the « excerpt, hits, type, firstpost, authorbio, reflink, postbit, inpost, footnote, attachlimit, feature, highlight » postfields of the master… the problem is actually that you never created them… so how can your tests be complete if you did not create their fields that make the system crash if they are absent…

    also, the only type that works are the Answers and Links… ALL the others make a mess in any forum. in Forumdisplay, if the « function ThreadBit() » is absent from a type class, there is no thread to list, even if the page have 3 pages of navigation… that means we have a problem here!

  55. nexia dit :

    here is the package is grouped to clean out… you will see some cleaning in all the files…

    question, do you have a different clock on your computer? the releases.php file was last edited 6 months ago…

  56. Drew dit :

    I dont know why it would say 6 months ago on mine it says:[ATTACH]179[/ATTACH]?

    The fields that are missing i never made because they weren’t needed when i was making the addons or i made a slightly different field name to better fit it i will update that..

    And with the addons links, answers, and articles i just did the coding behind them i did not do the templates (or made a really bad one just to show the information), because i thought we had agreed you’d do them? I could have misunderstood..

    Also what exactly needs to be done with the files? Just a general cleanup? Or something else?

  57. nexia dit :

    general cleanup, and for the install process i added a switch in the function to add fields, so in the install, it does not stop the process if a field already exists… for updates etc it is better.. 🙂

    for the templates, it’s not a question of missing templates, it’s a question that if there is no template switch, the system does not show a thing… i’ll make some tests and find the solution.

    btw, i was not grunting at you regarding testing the addons, it was a statement… 🙂 no problem if you did not check everything, it let me learn how your system works… 🙂

  58. Drew dit :

    Ok 🙂 i will fix all the errors with the new system and then give you the files so you can update everything to what you want

  59. nexia dit :

    btw, the missing templates, postbit, threadbit etc, if i did not put them in the product file, simply use the original ones inside vB, the goal is to fill the gaps right now, then we modify the templates…

    and work in the logic of having these products as the new vBulletin… example: if we have to modify forumdisplay, instead of working each hook, we use forumdisplay_start and rebuild the whole thing… so have no fear, if you « need » to modify something that have no hook, simply replace it.

  60. Drew dit :

    Yeah they aren’t any actual missing templates just some not great looking ones not sure if you want me to keep them or get rid of them?

    And as far as coding it for the « new vb » my idea was that, there would be a class for all forums (any type) that would set up the required information (fields like title, message, etc.) but not do anything with it just get it ready for templates and processing (that would be the base layer). Then another class takes the data from the base class and transforms it for the desired forum type, every forum type including normal would have this class (that way custom forum types aren’t « overwriting » the default type, which should help make the code more efficient), in each of the type classes it would make an output that vb would just display. I attached a photo that i made of how it would work if you aren’t following me

  61. Drew dit :

    I was working on the answers addon and i was wondering what do you think the best way to show the staff answer and the chosen best answer? Would an image be good or just somewhere have « Best Answer » or « Staff Answer »

  62. nexia dit :

    as it’s a template edit, we can have a simple template insert, the client can always change it… adding a little « HowTo » is easy… no need to be classy and eye-candy for now!

  63. Drew dit :

    Yeah… Also for the links addon take a look at this: Delivering Contextual Content And Advertising

  64. nexia dit :

    yeap, that’s something i want to add, but basically, each client have to register there, so it is complicated… we can add a for the screenshot…

  65. Drew dit :

    Yeah just make a few vb options with the API information and if they are filled in show it

  66. Drew dit :

    Ok here is the cleaned up version. The links and answers addons are now fixed and the master now works with them better.

  67. nexia dit :

    ok, i did not install it yet, was occupied with INET staff…

    but ok, i see what was done, it’s ok. the only thing i see missing is the default postfields that were not added in the install of the master yet… i’ll try to figure out how you create these entries and i’ll do it in the next hours…

    that said can we have a process to be able to export these when we create new custom ones?

  68. Drew dit :

    Ok well I have a script that makes the install/uninstall code for products.. I would give this to you but I am about to leave for a vacation for the next few days..

  69. nexia dit :

    go on vacation, no problems… 🙂

  70. Drew dit :

    Ok i am back but now you are gone lol anyways here is the script i use to make the install uninstall codes. Upload it to your forum route make the fields then go to the url

  71. nexia dit :

    what’s this?

    as i posted, i’m back quickly.. rofl

  72. Drew dit :

    You were asking about how to make the code for installing the default post fields that script makes the install code

  73. nexia dit :

    Ah.. lol

    i’m still stuck with ants here, so my brain may be damaged…

  74. Drew dit :

    lol its fine

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