3 thoughts on “You know what I would like to see?”

  1. nexia dit :

    hum funny that you come with this… i had Erwin’s code in hand…


    i’ll see to recode this in the next days… i suppose it’s quick, as it’s now easy to add a hook or two at these locations!

  2. kevinl dit :

    0o0o that was the good one! hahah Even though the one I linked to was a port I think.

    Sounds great!! No huge rush though. I know you have many other things you’re working on 🙂

  3. nexia dit :

    the more work i have to deliver, the more fun i have… rofl

    as i already requested, i want suggestions… you gave one. that’s what i want… this site is not based on my own needs only.

    but as you say, i have tons of things to do, and coding is complicated right now, beside the updates of the existing hacks that i’m doing this week… next week will be easier, as i release new stuff, and will wait a week or two before other updates.

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