I’ve been hit, i’ve been hit… meeeeediiiiiic !!!

Yes that hurts…

a stroller for two on the left knee while opening the hatch of the caravan… yes, that’s heavy, and that’s surprising… no chance i could avoid it, no way… exactly when it count.

so for the next days, i’m unable to walk… and unable to sit for a long period. that mean i will focus on one project at a time, right now i have iTrader to add a feature for a good client… we will see if i can do more, but i don’t make any promise… 🙂

Views: 21

5 thoughts on “I’ve been hit, i’ve been hit… meeeeediiiiiic !!!”

  1. kevinl dit :


    I hope you are better soon. But I am sure we can wait. Just get better 🙂

  2. nexia dit :

    yeah, thanks for the kind words…

    damn it still hurt, 6 hours after the fact.

    now i have two knees on the same leg…

  3. Shelley dit :

    Hopefully the pain will ease off soon and you make a speedy recovery.

  4. nexia dit :

    it’s gone already, thanks Shelley…;) i’m tough… real macho… rofl

    i have to work, work work

  5. Shelley dit :

    I’m a little late it seems. There’s no gain when there’s no pain. :grin_Wink:

    Yup, work, work and more work. It’s all go today except I’m currently taking a break from having a break. 🙂

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