Purchasing points/credits/gold whatever is the first step…

a point system, we’re building one… at least Drew is… lol

the main goal will be to enable the purchase of Points via Paypal or anyother payment processor activated on vBulletin via the adminCP.

as i know nothing about how it work, what i think would be the best is to NOT duplicate the processes. we need something more efficient than the actual vbCredits engine, because it is complicated to understand at first and have a lack of configurations…

so, why is this the first step for a points system?.. because the other parts are easy. adding an element in a hook to give or take points is quite easy.


  1. the member access the Transaction Manager
  2. it is asked to choose what transaction processor to choose, like Paypal, Worldpay, 2checkout, etc…
  3. the member is then asked how much credits to purchase. the page indicate the rates.
  4. the member is taken to the transaction processor.
  5. coming back from there, the member see how many credits he have now, and that’s it.

there is no need for a new payment api manager, vB have an efficient one… we just need to hook it up and proceed to payments based on the existing system. We only need an admincp that will check the rate for each level of credits, if needed: 1:1000, etc

how long can this take to be coded?

Views: 103

8 thoughts on “Purchasing points/credits/gold whatever is the first step…”

  1. nexia dit :

    second step on that part of the credits system will be a refund engine.

    1. members with credits can enter a value of points they want back.
    2. the transaction manager will store that request for approval.
    3. the admin activate the engine to do the refund. this process have to be checked by the admin, because if paypal or some other engine return an error due to lack of funds, the process is interupted…

    this is optional though, we’re not providing refund politics, but someone could. we only need to know if it is possible and make it easy to integrate later.

  2. Drew dit :

    Ok sounds good except for one thing using the vbulletin payment apis the problem is they made them directly for there subscriptions engine, making it almost impossible for them to be used. I do have experience with Paypal’s api and it would be fairly simple to make a custom Admin CP page where the admins can set how many credits you get on a per-currency base.

  3. nexia dit :

    isn’t it easier to simply use the existing vB engine, duplicate the files and tweak them to do what we need?… i’d like to make the engine compatible with more professional payment processors, because the big sites are not using paypal… by experience, they are the ones who pay more for these tools… 🙂

    if not, then ok.

  4. Drew dit :

    Thats what i’ll probably do create a whole payment processor system using the old files (maybe release it for developers?) then set it up with the points engine

  5. nexia dit :

    you can do it, i’m sure it will be faster than just creating our own, for the same purposes anyway…

    and yes, we can release anything we code if it is not for free… as soon as vb 4.0 is released, 3.x will be obsolete and they will not bother checking at us anyway.. lol

    and recoding the stuff just by adding some OOP will make them unique.

  6. Drew dit :

    Yeah i think we should add a forum (or prefix) for « Developer Only Mods/Apis » where we can post stuff like that.

  7. nexia dit :

    « a prefix, you serious?… it’s a complicated thing, it will need a review of the situation by the admin staff, and you know, we meet once a month, we have hard time contacting everyboby, i don’t know if someone will be available to do so… »

    …. ROFL

    i like to quote vB.org’s admins.

  8. Drew dit :

    lol now we need 50 people to agree with my idea for them to officially reject it lol

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