7 thoughts on “We have to rush the development of the MTF, we’re in a hurry before vb 4.0b”

  1. Drew dit :

    Yeah we could announce that MTF is in beta which it is to make the first « buzz » and then we can offically release it. I have it done we just have to error check and do some templates.

  2. nexia dit :

    as vb 4.0b is planned to end of may, or first week of june, we have time to finish the first package… a lot of free addons can be put to the official package, we just need to fix the first 3 or 4… 🙂

  3. Drew dit :

    Ok yeah i actually think the next beta will be the last one.. which i will upload very soon (like an hour max)

  4. nexia dit :

    i’ll put this sub-forum open to the staff then, so [user]Milad[/user] can start playing with it too…

    rofl, i like that user tag!

  5. Drew dit :

    Ok so here you go Beta 3

  6. nexia dit :

    actually it was beta1 for the whole time, i was unable to make it work from the start… rofl

  7. Drew dit :

    LOL ok beta 2

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