Project plan for

You all know that i’m not posting any free addon to the since it was proven that Jelsoft was highjacking my codes for the 3.5 release…

But i have plans to release all the freebies to when vB 4.0ß is announced to be public, in the next weeks if i read the news properly.

I want to make a statement of the possibility our site is giving to the community, and as is, i’ll have the biggest count of vb 3.8 releases on the site… beating all the others by 10x… 😉

we already have 39 releases, i’m adding all of Hambil’s newer versions in the next hours, that would count for 5 or 6 more, and i plan on coding some new features before vb 4.0ß is up, so i suppose we will hit the 50 releases for 3.8…

If you want to play the game, you can join and code some more free addons that you release here only, and when it’s time, we will hit the floor on!

Views: 62

7 thoughts on “Project plan for”

  1. nexia dit :

    ok, that’s fun, Shelley forced me to be quicker and i decided to shut her mouth for good… i started release the existing stuff on, and we’ll see how popular we will become.. lol

  2. Drew dit :

    Sounds good the community will love this..

  3. nexia dit :

    it was more to frustrate someone, and it worked… lol

    already have 150+ installs in 5 or 6 hours… and it’s just half of the stuff to be released… i have a bunch of addons i did not even have time to install here…

  4. Drew dit :

    Oh that’s good.

    Who were you trying to frustrate, btw? lol

  5. nexia dit :

    Shelley, for sure… she was on my back for months because i talk about the life on but i have no hack released there… she was not registered on the site when i stopped releasing on, so she doesn’t know… 🙂

    today is second day of plan… releasing the other 10 or 15 hacks that can be useful…

  6. Milad dit :

    To be honest, it looked like a flood.
    I think it’s better to have a plan on how often you publish a hack there, for example a hack per day, this will give your hacks more exposure, because when you flood you increase the chances for your hacks to be missed.

  7. nexia dit :

    nah, actually it was not for the « release »… the way i posted on the site was more a provocation for the people in place, and it worked pretty well actually, as you can see… lol

    you can’t even imagine what i have in mind, that’s why it’s complicated to explain. but basically, i’ve done that simple thing to hit the imagination of the members there, and now they are questioning a lot of things regarding because as soon as i « flooded » the forum with my hacks, i’ve been banned.

    i did not do a thing to be banned actually, i was surprised to be banned as quickly… i thought it would be more like a week or two after the releases… but anyway, i was to post more stuff each day, as i had like 5 or 6 releases to post per day for the next 2 weeks… but i was stopped after 2 days…

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