a Classified is needed…

as you can read here: http://www.vbclassified.com/showthread.php?t=3243 … as a follow up, Ken was supposed to renew his work for the last 9 months, he announced 2 or 3 times that he was back, but never did it.

so vbClassified is dying…

and the Classified from Mary is now mine.

there is no more Classified for vB, and we are the only one with the potential to create a real engine to return the clients to a single place… here!

so, what we have to do?

i know you can not do everything, but as it’s a plan to have some clients and some cash, we need to create the more engines that will bring money. i’m more into the free stuff on MTF and ideas for big tools, so we may need another coder who would be like you, working in your way, and not acting like ziki or hasann…

Views: 19

2 thoughts on “a Classified is needed…”

  1. Drew dit :

    Yeah, I do not really know any trusting vBulletin coders, but I’m guessing you have a few?

  2. nexia dit :

    trusted, none…

    we’ll have to do it ourselves… rofl

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