vbEnhancer.com is now officially open!

Monday 30th of march, we’re proud to announce that the site is now officially open, or re-open for the ones who visited in the past!

Mainly, this site is my home, the place where i’m releasing my tools and toys. But it’s also the place where the friends i have are hosting their stuff… a good example of that is the iTrader engine that is now released today too…

This is a gift for all the vBulletin admins who were asking for an update of that engine. You’re welcome to visit its forum and try the product!

In the next days we will release a bunch of products that needed to be updated on their original location and never were because their authors lost track of time or lost the energy to do so… you’ll see the development chart on this site that is going high and wide… just to answer your needs!

Also, in the next days, we’ll be implementing some sort of Points System with a Virtual Shop so you can purchase a list of paid scripts and a range of services coming directly from the staff onsite… Another announcement will be made about this later.

Welcome home again!

Views: 80

17 thoughts on “vbEnhancer.com is now officially open!”

  1. kevinl dit :


    Good to hear that you’re (officially) open now! haha

  2. arcadhia dit :

    wow! nice site! it almost revive my dying faith on vB… 😀

    p.s. IOGAMES here!

  3. nexia dit :

    yeah, Hi Josh, i knew it was you… funny surprise… 😉

    and thanks kevinl, yeah, it was about time… opening after a solid closing, that’s something… 🙂

  4. Taragon dit :

    congratulations 🙂

  5. Hasann dit :

    officially congratulations 🙂
    but who has registered me here

  6. Hasann dit :

    you have purchased his database?

  7. nexia dit :

    nope, not really… Lizard King is part of the project here… wanted to centralize our resources… it is indicated in that thread actually…

  8. KURTZ dit :

    superb Nexy :p i tried to find out your site many times in the last months … but i always find a french site … 🙂

  9. nexia dit :

    lol… yeah, because i’m french, you were hitting my blog *(i’m a tv show editorialist too)

  10. KURTZ dit :

    Nexy is there a live demo of the MTF?

  11. nexia dit :

    not yet, the MTF is still in development…

  12. Drew dit :

    it is coming together well though

  13. nexia dit :

    as he say…

    he is the one coding it, i can’t have a better opinion… rofl

  14. KURTZ dit :

    @nexia 20690 wrote:

    not yet, the MTF is still in development…

    OK, so you have planned a calendar event forum for the MTF like we said the other time?

  15. nexia dit :

    sure, but i have no idea when this will be done, Evercraft decided to re-start coding, so he is supposed to handle his own version… mine will be fully new, and it takes time among the other things we develop here. once the MTF is released, we will be able to schedule more things.

  16. KURTZ dit :

    @nexia 20705 wrote:

    sure, but i have no idea when this will be done, Evercraft decided to re-start coding, so he is supposed to handle his own version… mine will be fully new, and it takes time among the other things we develop here. once the MTF is released, we will be able to schedule more things.

    OK, just wainting for your job Nexy … 😀

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