As announced last month, here we are today with the launch of the next generation of iTrader, version 2.5.0.
The tradition continue, we’re proud to announce that vbEnhancer is now the official host of iTrader, with a new structure, more addons and a cleaner code for the future versions.
This is just an update, because for 2.5.0 we were focussing in centralizing all the existing addons for the old 2.1 version, and we made it clear that it would be easier with a smooth update for the existing clients and an easy spleen for the new players.
So, what do we get in the box?
All the files are now cleaned and easier to debug, here is the setting page in the vBulletin Options:
- Gio~logist’s Main Page is now integrated fully
- A new Profile Tab
- Completely and only compatible with vBulletin 3.8 generation
- Refurbished templates, with new icons for ranking (positive, negative, neutral)
- Option in your Profile Settings so you can show that you are selling/buying something
- Force display of iTrader infos in specific forums
- Display of iTrader Feedback Score in postbit
The thumbnail attached shows the extensive list of settings you can manage thru the regular path. as you can see, some new features have settings in the bottom of that page, they are good to look at.
And here is the form you see when you submit a new feedback regarding one of the transaction you’ve been involved in.
all without any template or file edit…
You want to upgrade, or install as new?
Easy, if you have not used any of the addons released on, you simply have to upload all the new files, overwriting the old ones, and uploadthe product file, allow overwriting the product, so it upgrade to the latest.
If you have used any addon that required template edits, like the old version of Giologist Profile block or his Main Page, or if you used MagnetiCat’s Profile Tab, you will need to uninstall these first, and hopefully, we provide all these versions in the Jason’s iTrader Archive forum on top of this… (just follow the opposite of the instructions!)
So, that’s it… there is not much new instructions, as now the entire engine is self documented… you can always post a question in this forum, so you are answered as soon as needed… but also, what’s fun, is that we ask for your requests, suggestions, needs; because we want to make the engine even better for the next version, which will jump to number 3.0 …
Browse to see how iTrader interact… and click « installed »…
Oh, forget the last one… rofl!
1- no version change, but fixed Forums Where Feedback Score is shown, thanks to breakpoint for reporting bug!
2- no version change, but fixed a database error when submiting feedback, thanks to gronph for reporting bug!
3- no version change, but fixed a typo that was causing to display no link in the postbit and no % of rating. you have to re-import the product file, nothing else!
4- no version change, but fixed a database error when submiting negative feedback, thanks to breakpoint for reporting bug! (was reported 3 times more, but never had the error, so was unable to fix!)
5- no version change, fixed an existing array_merge that was making CMPS unhappy… thanks to gnatster for reporting it!
6- no version change, fixed a missing « escape_string » when submitting in a form… thanks to all who have reported it!
7- september 4th, 2009, update of the product file to avoid the overpassing process of step 2.5.0
8- same date, adding postbit location of feedback score.
9- september 19th, 2009. Modified the install script so it does not avoid the creation of missing fields anymore — sorry, i first given the job to someone who was proven stupid after all…
10- sept. 22th, 2009. continued to edit the install process so it makes less error in dB modifs… i hope it ends the problems…
11- oct. 13th 2009, corrected some little typos
Views: 1724
You can see it on our Members List, we add the ability of showing a new column with the Scores, or you can put them in the first column, below the username…
Sweet stuff, thanks I’m gonna have a play with it.
Thanks for the release.
I have installed and everything is going fine except one feature.
I just created some forums for « Trading », « Selling », and « Buying » on my site in the category I called « Marketplace ».
The forum id’s are 185, 186, 187 and 184 respectively.
I want to only show iTrader is these forums so I am using the feature « Forums Where Feedback Score is shown » in admin CP and placed the following into the field: 184,185,186,187
Once I did this I no longer noticed the Feedback Score on the postbit for forums that are not listed, but I also do not see it in the forums I created and listed to show it.
Could you test this functionality to make sure it is working correctly? Could a problem be that I have placeed these forums(not the board) as Not Open allowing no new posts while I am setting the forums up for future use? I don’t think thats the case though since I have tried it when the were set to Open and it still didn’t show.
Thanks for the great product thus far though
PS: There is a mispelling in the admincp option « Strict URL Checking? ». You accidently cobined the words « andat » in the first sentence. I’m sure you can fix that for next release.
hum, it’s my fault, i did not test it thoghrougly, sorry… the fix will be available tomorrow morning…
and yeah, there is some typo, the phrases are missing some spaces in some places, don’t know why, i suppose it’s when i ported the whole thing… anyway, thanks for the typo-report..
Is there a way or would it be possible to make the iTrader (all the features of it) be available to certain usergroups only? i know you can disable viawing pages with iTrader score in user permissions, but they can still se their iTrader score in the user profile. Also, can you make an option to not show the links in Navbar or anywhere else if the user does not have permission to access them anyway.
Thanks For the Great release!
Product updated, you can download the .zip and import the product file again, no need to re-upload the other files.
Fixed Forums Where Feedback Score is shown… funnily, the fix also help me add new feature for the next version…
@kronnos, new permissions are planned for the next version, the one i start coding in the next days… we have other projects to put online before that.
Great, keep up the good work!
BTW, how would it be possible for me to change how the feebback score is displayed near the username? Currently, it looks funny because all the other user info fiels like the join date, location, posts, age, etc, are in a table sort of form. Basically, i want to add it at the bottom of the table in the following form,
. Any suggestions?
very nice, I’ll give a try.
who is now officially coder of this product?
me… isn’t it obvious?
Thanks for fixing it so quick.
I will reinstall it tonight and report back if I have any more issues. If I don’t, then you know its bug free for me. 
Thanks for the update, I should have time late tonight to check it out.
in postbit_legacy. How do I move this down under the user’s number of posts?
And how do I change it to read
As it currently doesn’t fit on one line.
If you want to see this running on a big forum, check out
« Feedback Score » is a phrase, you can change it as you want… (just search these words)
for the other details, hum, you can edit the product plugin named « postbit_display_complete«
search for this term: postbit_userinfo_left
and change to: postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts
i’ll add a setting in the next version to choose where you want to display the details, what details, and permission to see the details etc…
what about translations? Is it hard to translate?
not really complicated to translate, i’m actually calling for translators, but it take times, there is about 220 lines of text to translate to have the whole engine in a specific language. in the next 3 or 4 days i will do the French one.
thanks nex been waiting for the fix.
Hello again
i get an Database Error when I give an Negative feedback:
[PHP]Database Error in vBulletin 3.8.0:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT, user.languageid, user.username, user.userid
FROM user AS use
INNER JOIN usergroup AS usergroup USING (usergroupid)
WHERE usergroup.itraderpermissions & 4;
MySQL-Fehler : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘use
INNER JOIN usergroup AS usergroup USING (usergroupid)
WHERE usergrou’ at line 2
Fehler-Nr. : 1064
Fehler-Zeit : Tuesday, 31.03.2009 @ 22:12:58
Datum : Tuesday, 31.03.2009 @ 22:12:59
Skript :
Referrer :
IP-Adresse :
Benutzername : Administrator
Klassenname : vB_Database
MySQL-Version : 4.1.22-community-nt[/PHP]
But the negative feedback is count
oh, a small typo… thanks…
you can re-download this version, it’s corrected.
file: /includes/functions_itrader.php is the only file that need re-upload to your site to correct that error!
wow, that was fast!
Thank you very much for your great Work!
it’s fast when i’m online.. lol
@kronnos 20600 wrote:
I figured out how to make it work. Posting it here just in case anybody else wants to do the same and to get some feedback if this is not the best way to do it.
In postbit_legacy , after install of itrader, find $template_hook[postbit_userinfo_left] [/CODE]
and replace with:[CODE]
and just move it around to where you want it to be displayed.
Nexia, was this ($template_hook[postbit_userinfo_left]) inserted into the template after iTrader was installed? If not, and it was there before the install, what is the original designation for this hook? Could Vbulletin/other mods be using this template hook as well for something else? and what would happen if that is the case?
Thanks[CODE]$template_hook[postbit_userinfo_left] [/CODE]
and replace with:
and just move it around to where you want it to be displayed.
Nexia, was this ($template_hook[postbit_userinfo_left]) inserted into the template after iTrader was installed? If not, and it was there before the install, what is the original designation for this hook? Could Vbulletin/other mods be using this template hook as well for something else? and what would happen if that is the case?
and just move it around to where you want it to be displayed.
Nexia, was this ($template_hook[postbit_userinfo_left]) inserted into the template after iTrader was installed? If not, and it was there before the install, what is the original designation for this hook? Could Vbulletin/other mods be using this template hook as well for something else? and what would happen if that is the case?
all these template_hook are default to vBulletin since 3.6… this one is to display content on the left side of the postbit, below the username…
i know that vbCredits and vbExperience are using the same hook to show their own elements, i’m not the only one to do it..
@nexia 20631 wrote:
So if I happen to install vbcredits, what would happen and how would 2 mods share this hook?
Would there be another way to accomplish my task without touching those hooks?
the hooks are consistant with multiple addons, or the coder of a addon is a complete moron and make errors.. .:)
without touching the hooks, you could check this post: and instead of changing the hook name, you edit the lines to fit your design…
as you have a custom style, i can not do more… i suppose..
Oh excellent, i guess i can just edit the product plugin named « postbit_display_complete » and change « postbit_userinfo_left » to anything like »itrader_display » and just insert it
like $template_hook[itrader_display] anywhere in the postbit i want:)
Will just have to remember to do this every time i upgrade.
@nexia 20633 wrote:
@nexia 20612 wrote:
Thanks. Our members had been saving their feedback while iTrader was offline. Between them, they left over 1,000 ratings in less than 12 hours after reopening with your new version.
Do you mean that when this only works if i have downloaded an earlier version from this website?
If yes, how do I update my iTrader 2.1.0 ?
there is a OR in the sentence, if you take a look…
so it work in any situation… if you have no iTrader on your site yet, OR if you have an non-modified iTrader, and IF you have a modified one you follow the instructions…
as indicated in first post, i updated the release, because i found a typo that was blocking the display of the proper links in the postbit…
i was looking at my postbit the whole day yesterday and i was asking myself why i was personally unable to see the % of Score in the postbit… there was a typo… damn!
Oh, a note, you can not see the scrore in the postbit when you post a Quick Reply, the ajax is not set to display it… once you reload the page it shows up…
Does anyone have instructions for installing iTrader? Are there any fields that I need to set? Do I need to put it in a particular folder?
It’s pretty simple, and yes, i’m sorry i did not add any instructions yet, i’m updating that part right now…
1- you have the « upload_this » folder… you upload it’s content directly at your vBulletin level, so the itrader.php file and the others are at the same level as the index.php of your forum. … you have to do this via http://FTP...
2- go to the Products Manager and import the file named product-itrader.xml
you’re set, nothing else to do for the install…
i’ll post the entire instructions and HowTos in the next day or two…
Thank you. I could tell that I needed to define a location or place it in a particular spot but I just didn’t know where it went. It is up and running now.
We rolled this out today on our boards. It works well with the exception that users can edit each others feedback.
In other words I can edit feedback on a user that’s not me and that I didn’t leave. I shouldn’t have access to that.
Let me know if you need more information,
With the full menu option set in the itrader options via the navbar, clicking on any link in the menu returns this result:
Sorry but there is no user to list, no seller, no customer.
This is after a upgrade from the 2.1.0 version, currently it appears the members have their old itrader stats, just get the above results is i try to browse or find a customer/seller.
Any fix for this Nex?
Actually i’ll have to redesign that menu *(i did not write it, i just merge existing mods)
that menu is not for the core of iTrader (which can be visited by using the first link in the menu) but is related to the Your Options page… if you enter the details in the fields, you will be listed in the menus…
This is part of the details i will have to rewrite for the 3.0 version…
Yes, the first works fine, so the other option listed are defunct?
If so ill remove them so the owner is asked why it dont show any results lol
Might want to update the 2.5 package and remove that so others dont bug ya Nex
it’s not defunct, you did not read the second line…
Gotcha, thanks Nex.
Is there a way to import or include ratings from an old rating system?
nope, not yet… i never thought there was another rating system, which is it??
i suppose it’s possible, if the data is stored in a MySQL database.
@nexia 20685 wrote:
Its only a written list with positive or negative feedback summed up, so no real rating system.
So the question would be, if you can manipulate the start values of the users:
user A starts with 5 positive and 1 negative
user B starts with 2 positive
could be possible, but iTrader identify each rating per user, and your example is more global, no identification of each rating… our engine would overwrite any entry that is not identified with a userid… a bit clumsy…
you can always post that request in the Meet-Market, but i will not touch it myself due to lack of time — supporting the whole package here …
Hello there Nexia and thanks for continuing Jason’s work. I love this mod for my site and been using it for a long long time =)
Just wanted to express my gratitude of your work and your team
~ Kim / DeathSoul
@nexia 20612 wrote:
How do i change this? I tried searching in the postbit_legacy template but couldnt find the words « iTrader,Feedback,Score » and so on o.O even looking trough it i couldnt find it.
Cause i want to change the « Feedback Score » too into « Trades » and remove the « Reviews » and only have it like;
Trades: 1 / 100%
also is it possible to get this
Trades: 2 / 50%
1 Positive / 1 Negative
(having that show in the postbit)
Thanks in advance
phrase, not template…
Admincp >> Languages & Phrases >> Search in Phrases >> put the words you want to modify , and it will give you the context to change…
you can easily change « Reviews » for « / » … will do the trick
ah, sorry, thanks
i missunderstood then ^^
How about the « showing the positive and negative trades ? (Just want to hear if it’s possible, and if so, would it be hard to do?)
Also thanks for the quick answer!
oh, i missed that line…
sure it can be possible, but it would mean another query to make the counts… i can see for this in the next days, it’s not complicated but the shelf is really loaded right now… (have to paint most of the house in the next 5 days…)
nice, thanks!
Here’s a proposion; i paint house, you do coding, yup yup, too bad i dont live in your country most likely
Anyhow, keep up the good job and thanks for the addon and support =)
would not be a good deal for you, as i also have to prepare Easter celebrations… lol wanna cook some meal and take care of my 4 kids while i code?
okay kids and meal i can handle, thou i would have to bring my own then, hehe
Installed. But where do I leave feedback ?? I can see the ratings when I view the user profile, but I dont see where to leave feedback.
you always see a link like View full profile for Bulldog Stang …
Tiny bug in the itrader_feedback template:
needs to be
(the space before the $userinfo[username])
oh, thanks!
@nexia 20772 wrote:
I dont see the second box at all. I only see the top one ..
nevermind. I am an IDIOT!! LOL
I forgot to check the Usergroup Permissions … DOH!!
When I click on the links, I get the 404 Not found screen …
I figured it out. Files got misplaced during upload…
please, stop insulting yourself in each post, the visitors will think we’re a place where everybody got flamed… lol
Hey Nexia, have you uploaded a new version with the tiny bug fix above mentioned by Spinball? Or could we just make the edit manually?
Edit: Lol, just realized that the fix was mentioned less then an hour ago so i guess we could make the changes in the template.
i’ll try to release something this week-end, but it’s Easter time, very occupied in our family… can’t guaranty any linecode!
No biggie, I think most can manage to press the space tab in one of the templates:)
Ok, trying to figure something out but it just doesn’t work..
In the post bit, I want the $vbphrase (Feedback Score: ) To be bold. So i tried changing the following in the postbit_display_complete:
and this gave me an Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘< ' in ........ I know I can just edit the language and do the following: Feedback Score, but that will not include the « : », which I also want bold, plus the phrase « $vbphrase[‘itrader_feedback_score] » will appear also bold in other locations besides postbit, for example in the user profile tab.
So How can i make it so ONLY in the postbit, « Feedback Score: » is bold?
EDIT: Oh, can you please let me know this version as well: To add a
after the $vbphrase[‘itrader_feedback_score] in the postbit so everything after is on the next line.[CODE]‘
and this gave me an Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘< ' in ........ I know I can just edit the language and do the following: Feedback Score, but that will not include the « : », which I also want bold, plus the phrase « $vbphrase[‘itrader_feedback_score] » will appear also bold in other locations besides postbit, for example in the user profile tab.
So How can i make it so ONLY in the postbit, « Feedback Score: » is bold?
EDIT: Oh, can you please let me know this version as well: To add a
after the $vbphrase[‘itrader_feedback_score] in the postbit so everything after is on the next line.[CODE]‘
and this gave me an Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘< ' in ........ I know I can just edit the language and do the following: Feedback Score, but that will not include the « : », which I also want bold, plus the phrase « $vbphrase » will appear also bold in other locations besides postbit, for example in the user profile tab.
So How can i make it so ONLY in the postbit, « Feedback Score: » is bold?
EDIT: Oh, can you please let me know this version as well: To add a
after the $vbphrase in the postbit so everything after is on the next line.
‘ . $this->post[‘itrader_total’]
your have to be outside the » ‘ «
@nexia 20787 wrote:
Ok it works fine now. I dont understand where does the second else part show (# without a link to rate!), so i did not make the changes to the second part. Now it looks as:
{ # add the link to the display
$this->post[‘addition’] = ($this->post[‘itrader_pcnt’]) ? ‘, ‘ . $this-
>post[‘itrader_pcnt’] . ‘%’ : »;
$template_hook[‘postbit_userinfo_left’] .= ‘
$vbphrase[‘itrader_feedback_score’] . ‘:
‘ .
$vbphrase[‘itrader_feedback_score’] . ‘: ‘ . $this->post[‘itrader_total’] . ‘ ‘ .
$vbphrase[‘itrader_feedback_reviews’] . ‘
Also, I have been trying many style changes but still keep getting an error when I try to center everything after the
(the second line). Obviously
Thanks[CODE]{ # add the link to the display
$this->post = ($this->post) ? ‘, ‘ . $this-
>post . ‘%’ : »;
$template_hook .= ‘
$vbphrase . ‘:
. ‘ » href= »‘ . $this->registry->options .
‘/itrader.php?’ . $session . ‘u=’ . $this->post . ‘ »>’ . $this-
>post . ‘ ‘ . $vbphrase . $this->post
. ‘
{ # without a link to rate!
$template_hook .= ‘
$vbphrase . ‘: ‘ . $this->post . ‘ ‘ .
$vbphrase . ‘
Also, I have been trying many style changes but still keep getting an error when I try to center everything after the
(the second line). Obviously
Is there an admin configurable option in this release to send iTrader ratings to a moderation queue for review before being posted? I didn’t see it in the feature list or admincp options. Keep up the great work!
That kind of feature will be integrated in the later 3.0 version. for now the release is just a fix engine for the older version, and addition of old addons from it.
@kronnos, i’ll release a small fix later this week with some style enhancements, this will help you. i can’t do more, you want to modify the whole thing, which is complicated a little…
First I have to say I’m not familiar with iTrader at all…
After using it I noticed here
“Has Not Submitted A Rating For This Deal” but after clicking the link it’s showing
“Rating Already Submitted”.
Shouldn’t both show that I’ve rated?
yeah, that’s part of the things i have to look at, when i merge all the files… actually there is too much files for this script, making it hard to follow up, and the way it was coded make it even more complicated… lol
i’ll try to fix this as well in the next days so the next release fit.
EDIT: hey hey… i see what you were refering to now… it is indicated that it is rated because one of the sides of the transaction, meaning YOU, rated our transaction… but not me…
it’s a win/win situation, if the other side is not rating, that means we have a default…
I wasn’t aware of this.
I think it’s good to have this feature working like this, instead of what I’ve mentioned.
HHm, I just dont get it. Sometimes the feedback score in the post bit shows as a link and sometimes as not a link and without the %. i dont see any option to change this, so what s wrong?
Hi Nexialys! Glad to see you are doing well and are still around the community. I am upgrading ( finally ) from 3.6.X to 3.8.2. My site is a trade based site so this is the most important modification for my site and I appreciate you picking up on it. Now, once I am do I get my points back that are already in my database? Jason had like an update script I believe or a port script or something..what do we do in this case?
it’s actually a vBulletin product, Curtis, you know how it work, it is just updating the script, not starting over…
so all your old iTrader content is still there!
@nexia 20801 wrote:
Whoops. Ugh, guess I am still stuck in the 3.0.X days..hmm. haha. Once again, glad to see you have taken this over and can’t wait for the paid modifications and 3.0 as I will be buying every one ;).
Oh also, I will be installing this mod FIRST thing on a fresh 3.8.2 board :).
Not sure, but I believe I found a bug of some sort. When I click on a rating link ( like click on the description ) I see all the edit tools to the right but I can’t click on any of them..just the report one.
yeah, it’s kinda bogus, but that have a purpose… in the head of Jason who coded it that way.. lol
in the 3.0 version there is no more icons, the real tools will appear and you see the permissions like the forum permissions.
OK, thanks bud.
Also, a few other things:
1) When you hit find a seller or buyer – Jason had it to where it automatically filled in everyones profiles so people showed up..this time when someone hits find a seller it shows no one at all.
2) On the main page if you upgrade that is, it doesn’t show how many trades have happened this month/year or whatever..just starts from time of update.
So I just installed it, well I think I did it right.
I used my FTP client to put « upload_this » into my forums folder and then I used the product manager to upload the other file. I am not sure what else I need to do? The wording on the iTrader part inside the VB options is kinda wordy to me. Is YES or NO to turn the iTrader on? other then that I read something about permissions? What do I need to change? I’m fairly new to admin with vbulletin.
Thanks for continuing this Nex!
i hope you uploaded what’s INSIDE that folder, not the folder itself ?!
actually you did it right.
? lol.
I uploaded the folder itself with the contents via FTP. – Where Mazda Enthusiasts come for all their MX6 needs – Powered by vBulletin is the link, when I click community, and then iTrader i get a 404 error.
that’s why.,.. you have to upload these files that are inside the folder, not the folder itself…
Awesome! lol Thanks for the quick response in my noob questions
Sorry to bug, but did you see my post nexialys?
How do I get an iTrader link in the users dropdown menu by their posts?
I guess an upgrade from iTrader 2.1.0 running vbulletin 3.7.4 Patch Level 1 is a no-go !?
if you want to install THIS version over an older vBulletin, follow this small instruction:
And install the ‘upload’ package from the 2.5 release !?
I’m having a difficult time with something. I’m using vbay and I want to add the itrader number to all the seller’s names. like this:
Seller: Jakey143 (11)
What is the code I need to use to make the itrader link like above?? I already know where to put the code in my vbay template file… I just don’t know the code.
$post >> percent score
$post >> total number of reviews
i suppose that’s what you need!
@nexia 20828 wrote:
Here’s the deal
When someone posts an auction on my site (im using the vbay mod), I want their usernames to have a link next to it with their itrader number total. I don’t know what code to use to link.
For example, your name will look like this:
nexia (3)
Is this not available anymore? I’ve been waiting for this!!!
If it is not available on the site, anymore, would it be ok if someone emailed me the zip file? I seriously need it for my site!!
Thank you!!
the file is available in the first post…
@nexia 20824 wrote:
Worked like a charm on 3.7.4 .. thanks nexia
it is supposed to work properly since 3.5, but as we’re not supporting older versions here, i am not checking versions compatibility… thanks to report that it works..
I know this has sort of been answered but how do I edit the way things look when it comes to the trader ratings, and what is the variable I need to post in order to make it show on my profile/anywhere else I want to put it?
On the main page if you upgrade that is, it doesn’t show how many trades have happened this month/year or whatever..just starts from time of update.
Also, when do you think 3.0 might be out Nexia?
to post the details of rating/reviews score, these are the two elements:
$userinfo >> percent score
$userinfo >> total number of reviews
they are the two elements from the database, already formated (you simply have to put a % in front of the pcnt to make it look like a percent)… you can use these two elements in any template you want, but have to change the « userinfo » variable name depending on what you play with… this is the kind of customization i can not control thought…
Are you sure strict URL checking is working? Because I have seen feedback left by the thread starter and someone who didn’t post in the thread.
it is not checking the posters in a thread, it is checking the relevance between the reviewer and the thread indicated in the field… this system is not moderating the content…
version 3.0 will close that entire system down, as it is not very useful… we’ll be merging the system with the thread itself, so the data is shown in the thread, linked in the iTrader, and moderated as a thread can be, by the moderator.
Where is the
actually it’s the ‘itrader_pcnt’ element that you have to take care of, the $userinfo is a variable used sometimes in the templates… it all depend on what you do with the value.
i can not help on that.
I figured out the code to link to a persons itrader in vbay. It’s this:
number of reviews goes here
I tried using $userinfo in the template file where im trying to show the number of reviews, but it gives a template parser error. So what do I use in the « number of reviews goes here » spot to show the persons number of reviews?
as you can see in your code, you use $owner instead of $userinfo … make the change like $owner[itrader_total]
@nexia 20845 wrote:
DUH! Thank you
Glad to see things are going to be changing in 3.0 :). Any estimated time on arrival bud? Also, please make everything configurable as possible. As I said before, this mod is the most important mod on my of those things I would pay someone to change if need be but I rather not haha.
Hope you had a good Easter.
yea, as indicated in the News, there is no roadmap for the iTrader 3.0 yet, but i start working on it in May… there will be two changes:
1- structural and functional changes in the actual version, so everything work with settings and in a single file, existing functions will be enhanced.
2- features additions will be created as addons, and some will be paid due to the size of work and support to be given to it… paid does not mean 500$, even if the engine will worth it… lol
Is there a reason why the Itrader Settings are not located in the Itrader menu option on the left menu in Admin CP and in the VBulletin options area? Is the for access reasons?
no, it’s just because i forgot to add a link in the panel… ;(
will fix this in the next update, in the next days.
I did some testing here and I got these results PLEASE READ
I gave Taragon a postive rating and it passed.
FAILED I gave Nexia a Negative rating, and after submitting I recieved a VB Database Error message. However the rating followed through and shows on your account now.
I gave Sharkboy a nuetral rating and it passed.
I tried giving Nexia another rating, the system stopped me saying I had to wait, this feature passed.
FAILED I attempted to give some more users a rating, but when I clicked the ‘Submit Feedback For USERNAME’ link it gives me a VB Database Error. I’m guessing the system is supposed to stop me from providing more than 3 feedbacks per day. But it is erroring out some how and not showing that message.
I left additional comment on a transaction between Nexia and myself, it passed. I edited my comment and it passed
Editing times limits passed also.
Thanks for allowing me to test on your boards
My forums havent used the mod enough since we just launched the Trading section, so I wanted to test it here to help the mod out 
thanks for testing, i wasn’t aware there was dB errors, as i did not touch that part of the script yet, but i’ll see to it right now… if you face other errors, can you copy them here please?!
@breakpoint 20863 wrote:
Here is the error generated for the above
I am unable to get the Negative Rating error until I can rate people again
yeah, thanks, as soon as you reported it, i tested and found the bug.. i’m posting the updated file right now.
The boards are updated and it appears to work
The « Report a Trade » also works since I tested that
I will try and Negative Rate a person tomorrow to test that put to confirm also then
it was a typo in a database query, all situations are now fixed regarding THAT error..
email received for the first time…
The reason this email was sent:
Has tried to rate more users than allowed per AdminCP option.
The URL to their iTrader page is:
This message has been sent to all iTrader administrators.
Please respond to this as applicable.
and you reported me, bad… tsss
The rating in question is:
This is the reason that the user gave:
Trying the reporting trade
This message has been sent to all moderators and administrators.
Please respond to this post as applicable.
What is this .DS_Store file that is included in the file? It was never there before.
yeah, sorry, last time i compressed the directory directly in my Mac, so it’s a .htaccess à la Mac!
For some reason, I don’t believe I was getting those errors as spoken about before. Is that maybe because I upgraded or something? Should I go ahead and reinstall or something?
Also, I will be more than willing to pay for any addons or anything. It just is going to be hard to live without some features while waiting for 3.0.
you were not getting these errors because you did not use the « email to admin » thing…
and actually i’m not working on any new version until i get cleared of the other projects i have in hands… will be short, but i can not guaranty anything before that…
OK, that is fine..I will probably just save up and pay for someone to do everything I need so I don’t have to worry about it and we can go ahead and get things rolling. Thanks bud. Good luck.
nexia, I gave you a rating can you return it. I want to test something that I saw.
My forums don’t seem to gray out the
link when the person returns a rating.
Is this possibly because they did not click the image to give back the feedback? Is that the only way to gray out that image?
We are still running 3.7.3 does this only work for 3.8?
We will be updating to 3.8 soon so it isn’t a huge thing but it would be nice to have it up.
I am an idiot…well, at least a blonde as indicated by my name.
I uninstalled the itrader we were using, installed yours, works great, but the existing feedback is, obviously, gone.
Anyway to get it back or should I go ahead and shoot myself now?
if you have a backup, recover your backup… i mean the database…
but yes, you are an idiot *(i am forced to approve, i can not be against a blonde) … because the first post where you found my release is clearly indicated to UPDATE, not uninstall…
Yeah…I know. I am hanging my head in perpetual shame. That’s what I get for watching drama on our board unfold while trying to upgrade stuff.
First off – thank you for continuing to develop this mod!!
I just installed this on a clean version of 3.8 and have two issues of which I can not figure out:
1. The iTrader info is not shown in the postbit – it is shown in the profile correctly however.
2. When I click the iTrader link under community – or try to view someones full iTrader profile – I get a vbulletin « you do not have permission to access this page. »
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You have to edit your usergroup permissions to enable certain features to show pages and details in postbit… everything will be fine then.
@nexia 20944 wrote:
Thanks mate – for some reason every usergroup by default had no access to any of the iTrader commands – working great now!
yeah, the logic is that if you have only one group which have access to the engine (which is most of the sites i’ve visited)…
Have itrader installed on Motoring Alliance and running vB 3.8.2 and vbAdvance CMPS.
When on the Feedback Score tab and selcting View Full Profile for {username} the following errors occur.
Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in [path]/includes/vba_cmps_include_template.php on line 42
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/init.php(298) : eval()’d code on line 91
Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in [path]/includes/vba_cmps_include_top.php on line 622
Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in [path]/includes/vba_cmps_include_top.php on line 622
Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in [path]/includes/vba_cmps_include_top.php(653) : eval()’d code on line 3[/CODE]
Any guidance in this area would be helpful please.
Thanks…[CODE]Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in [path]/includes/vba_cmps_include_template.php on line 42
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/init.php(298) : eval()’d code on line 91
Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in [path]/includes/vba_cmps_include_top.php on line 622
Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in [path]/includes/vba_cmps_include_top.php on line 622
Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in [path]/includes/vba_cmps_include_top.php(653) : eval()’d code on line 3[/CODE]
Any guidance in this area would be helpful please.
ok, fixed, file is updated in first post…
a « array_merge » was to be changed…
hmm…didn’t fix it..
I uninstalled itrader and the site is new and there were no ratings as of yet. Uploaded the new build and allowed it to overwrite existing files and then uploaded the product.xml. Reconfigured itrader and tested.
if you re-uploaded the files here, it is impossible that the same bug occurs again, because there is no array_merge anymore in my code… so it’s related to CMPS.
a major bug
a user can submit feedback for themself . . . . .
can this be prevented ?
rofl… i will prevent this in the debug i release in the next week-end, as there was a bunch of bugs to recode lately… thanks for the info
hoping to try this… maybe I can access download after posting?
Thank you for continued work on this. It’s a great tool in our community. Our install have some bugs that I hope to iron out with this new version.
i’ll be re-opping the work for iTrader in no long, so you can post a request for support…
Thanks, I appreciate it. However, I’m not able to download the product or see any of the screen shots. How do the permissions work on this website? Thanks!
permissions are on rebuild while the week-end, that was announced already… will be set tomorrow evening…
thank you for this.
you should make more mod like this.
i will, i will… there is a bunch in the backstore, i just need time to release everything — and time to support them too.
Hi, i’m a new member, how can i dowload it??? i’ve not the permission
@pentolino75 21246 wrote:
You have to be patient, because the site is being restructured.
There will be more information by the end of the week I hope.
RelaxX and visit this website every day.
I really want to download this product, I was pointed here on from nex I can’t wait to download this but it says no permission
it will be possible to download it in no long, we’re still in restructuration… remember it’s a big site, and we have commercial decisions to make before moving on a path or another…
@nexia 21251 wrote:
Nexia, having a hard time understanding your note above.
I think you are saying you have stopped offering it for free download while you decide whether you want to continue to offer it free or for a price.
If I am interpreting correctly, I for one, would be happy to pay. I think this is more fair to the developer and leads to a better more up to date product.
actually it was close to that… you had hard time understanding me, or what i wrote?… lol
our problems are not to decide if we offer stuff for free or not, it was announced sooner this week that a lifetime subscription of 10$ would now be requested to give access to the site, that’s fixed… the problem was more on the software side, how do we drive the actual system inside vBulletin…
i’ve been testing vbCommerce from Darkwaltz, but it’s too complexe and not friendly to our own needs, so we will wait until our own engine is ready… this is for the specific areas of the site that were not even open yet… today, i’m finishing the moves on the forum and permissions — which is more complicated in vBulletin than on IPB or phpBB because the adminCP is crap on that… but i’m doing it bit by bit, and we’re going to have it soon…
thanks all, for your patience.
I have allready the version 2.0.1 and it maybe have some securety leaks with the news 3.8.2.
Thanks a lot for the work.
There is an issue with my itrader, I have it installed (I can access /itrader.php). I have done the settings corrent and allow each usergroup to view it.
When I give a user a feedback (and click submit) it shows a screen and wants me to give rep to myself. I tried to give a rep to myself and nothing still stays on that page.
good issue to report… i will check this and update the release if i can reproduce the bug and fix it…
you still show with this stupid username, so i give you another 24h before i delete your account if you do not pm me with a new one.
@nexia 21399 wrote:
what a D**K J/K nexia ..there’s no issue with what he saying everybody use it on my forum, if anything its alot better then the old one.I think he’s clicking himself when that happens…
no, actually i know what he is refering to, and yes there is a glitch in one feature… actually it’s how things are displayed that make people click the wrong link, it’s not just that he is a D**K.. lol
When you put your mouse cursor over the icons on a users itrader page it shows wrong info, it says not yet rated this deal even when they have.
rating have to be made on both sides of an operation to mark it as rated… if only one person rated the other for the same operation, the process is not complete…
that’s one part that need refinement…
@nexia 21403 wrote:
Yes, and on my forum it saying not yet rated even when both users have given rating for same deal. :confused:
hum, so i’ll have a look… maybe something i missed to fix.
I’m currently running vB 3.7.6 with iTrader 2.1.0 and MagnetiCat iTrader Stats 1.0.0.
I’ve just subscribed and downloaded iTrader 2.5. Can you please verify the proper order to upgrade iTrader and vB so that I don’t lose iTrader data or cause any other issues?
if you just update the script, without uninstalling, you’re ok, you loose no data…
you may need to uninstall MagnetiCat’s hack to avoid collision… you can find the files in the archive forum above!
How are people downloading this I still don’t have permissions
you’re the kind of guy who does not care about the notices, isn’t it?
@nexia 21425 wrote:
Okay so would this be ideal then?
1) Uninstall Magneticat
2) Upgrade to vB 3.8.2
3) Peform any necessary template updates
4) Upload and overwrite iTrader files with no uninstall
5) Upload product file
Sorry for the dumb question, what would I need archived files for?
No other settings or runnin upgrade scripts or instructions beyond overwriting the files?
@carsafety 21446 wrote:
also revert the itrader templates too after the upgrade (overwrite),few people forget to do this and report errors.
@puertoblack2003 21447 wrote:
Thanks for the tip!
Any idea what I need to do with the archived Magneticat files?
you check the install process and do the opposite, so you simply delete it…
this is my first time installing itrader, but i do not see any instructions. am i missing something here and/or can someone hand hold me through the process?
went back a few pages and found it here:
i think i uploaded all the contents correctly as i see the itrader settings in the acp and also in the vbulletin options; however, i do not see itrader anywhere on the forum.
here’s a link to my forum: Sports Gatherings Forum – Your Convenient Resource for Sports Autograph Signings
any help is appreciated. in the meantime, i’ll keep trying.
lol, maybe i just don’t have patience or i’m insecure with this kind of stuff, but i figured it out. it was simply going under the options and checking the appropriate choice. 2/2. i guess i’m just trying to make an excuse in trying to find a problem….
no issues so far…now i’ll try playing around with the actual mod.
figured it out again
2 questions:
1. right now the itrader button appears on the navbar for guests. how do i delete this?
2. what would be the link for « your trader profile » –> Sports Gatherings Forum (obviously this tracks to me, but how do i change the link so that whenever a user clicks on « your trader profile », it will open their own profile?
1- this is supposed to be fixed in the permissions, i’ll check
2- good question, this is not intended to be, so i’ll see if we can have both links.
@nexia 21580 wrote:
thanks i look forward to your response.
For some reason I can’t unzip the file–keep getting a « file already exhists ». I am familure with .zip files and I have tested a couple more to see if there is something odd with my machine but I don’t have any other issues–just this zip file.
Ok I have played with it and it looks like the .zip file is corrupt.
hum, i’ll see to fix this as soon as i’m in the office tomorrow morning.. thanks for reporting, you’re the first one to have problem with it, but i’ll see, i can provide .rar archive too…
I don’t know the best way to describe it–but there are empty files with the same name as the folders in the zip file so you can’t decompress everything because it thinks they are duplicates. Threw me for a loop…
hum, these files are not a corruption, they are ghosts from the Mac format… i’ll reconfigure my zip to not include these files…
I just tried it and it decompresses fine for me, it does have a _MACOSX folder in the zip that might be causing your problems.
@nexia 21637 wrote:
Its a mac thing,lol……
Speaking of which–I am hungry now.
Looking forward to getting this going on my forum
@shinng 21579 wrote:
so are there answers to this or am i just out of luck here?
actually, #1 is not supposed to appear if you disable itrader for guests… in usergroup permissions.
and #2 is logically pointing to each member profile… i do not understand where it is a problem…
First off, thank you for keeping this product alive.
I loaded up itrader and it works perfect, however, I can only get the complete drop down menu to work for the default style. What code do I use to add the complete menu to other styles?
Thank you in advance for your help.
to have the menu to load on any style, your style have to actually have the needed hooks:
these elements are to be contained in the template named » navbar » and placed in the right location… you can compare your old style with the new one to see where they can be put…
Hi, I am having a problem extracting the files as well. I received an error saying there is a file with the same name as the folder name you specified – when I extract, the files are empty. The file (upload_this) does not extract.
I hope this makes sense LOL,
yeah, that make sense, sorry it’s the Mac format of the zip which may corrupt in some Windows installs… i’ll put a .tar version this evening… sorry for the delay.
Thank you so much for the quick reply.
Sorry…my fault. I read that in the post above and noticed you said you would reconfigure – I am new to vbulletin, having my own site/forum etc…I figured you already did it and I was doing something wrong again haha.
@nexia 21679 wrote:
RE: 1 – i’ll try it out.
RE: 2
the point of me wanting to do so is so that I can add that to the header and eliminate it from the navbar, but in order to do that, i need to know what link I need to use so that when they click « your itrader profile », it will go to their own. it has something to do with {1} at the end of the url or something. i just don’t know what the exact url is so that it directs them to their own profile.
Can itrader be modifed and used as a review system? I have products I need to review and the way itrader leaves feedback is perfect for my board.
not really, this system is based on users identification… would be cumbersome to create a user that is actually a product, isn’t it?
for product reviews, there is GARS on The vB Geek – Powered by vBulletin
If you type ‘ into the want to buy or selling field it causes a database error.
yeah, that’s something i’m fixing today with the other request… there will be a 2.5.1 by the end of the week… or sooner if the kids keep it quiet
@nexia 21712 wrote:
Thanks Nexia. I have been trying to get approved to post on there for months. I registered but I can’t post. I have emailed everyone I can think of and no reply. I even asked thevbgeek and he told me to message one of the senior mods on the .org who is the main coder for it. I like GARS but I don’t want to pay the $60 or so dollars and then not have it do what I want it to. I’d prefer to be able to ask questions before I buy it. I really like the mods you have here, as I have already installed a few of yours that are better than the ones on the .org. I already replaced one and waiting on you to release the other.
I know Microhellas has a review mod coming out, I guess I will just have to wait for that. She codes very well too.
The thing I like about itrader is the feedback part. On my site we review people so leaving feedback for other members is perfect.
@andyrew 21713 wrote:
release updated, not a new version, but this bug is corrected.
Thank you so much – it works great so far!
just installed and when i leave negative feedback I get this database error
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.3:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT, user.languageid, user.username, user.userid
FROM user AS use
INNER JOIN usergroup AS usergroup USING (usergroupid)
WHERE usergroup.itraderpermissions & 4;
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘use
INNER JOIN usergroup AS usergroup USING (usergroupid)
WHERE usergrou’ at line 2
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Wednesday, June 17th 2009 @ 12:07:32 AM
Error Date : Wednesday, June 17th 2009 @ 12:07:33 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : PacificMotors
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.77-community
Were the reported bugs from fixed (eg. ability to review yourself)?
No mention on your first post..
@darkostoj 21742 wrote:
you jut installed, but when did you download it from here?
this error was corrected 2 months ago
@xOBKx 21748 wrote:
oh, yeah… i’ll check this right away… will be fixed by the end of the day too…
hey nex there’s a uncache template in usercp_shell : »itrader options »
and attached is a picture.look to your left bottom column with the space.
thanks for the uncached… will fix with the latest debug.
@nexia 21802 wrote:
yep no problem.I fixed it on my end.
@nexia 21802 wrote:
Thanks, finally installed 2.5 a week ago when I upgraded vB to 3.8. No problems reported so far, everything went fairly smoothly. Please let us know when 2.5.1 is released!
Is there a way to edit or remove a specific feedback left for a member?
yeap, by the admin options menu. this image:
mean you click on it and you can edit or delete the feedback.
Ah thanks! Never had to edit or delete a comment until now and of course I looked in the control panel like reputation comments instead of at the actual comment in itrader.
in version 3.0, it is planned to have a adminCP panel for this, as well as a search keywords and maybe a swear filter too…
@nexia 21886 wrote:
I must have found the wrong thing. I edited the comment then clicked the « delete » clicky box. It deleted the comment, but the rating and rating summary still exist.
When viewing the rating summary, there is an « Options » column with that image, but it is not clickable. The report post image next to it is clickable, though.
Should I be looking somewhere else? What did you mean by the Admin options menu?
I finally figured it out. The icon is not clickable if you are viewing the individual rating summary for a specific rating. It is clickable when you are viewing the entire list of ratings summaries for a particular member.
How about some detailed instructions? I’ve installed the product as described but I’m having what appears to be permission issues and non-existent content. I’m finding that template changes might need to be made in other forums… what is the deal? This is a clean install on a new installation of vb3.8.3. It would be nice to have a complete document describing the installation and configuration of this product in one spot. The zip file and this commercial product thread do not fit the bill. I can appreciate how this product evolved and the relative low cost but have to searched everyone and their brothers forums looking for answers and I just don’t have the time to do that. For example, this link on, iTrader v2.0.1 – Page 48 – Forum
, indicates template hacks… is this necessary? I don’t find the template being referred to in my 3.8.3 installation, etc.,…
Thank you in advance for your guidance.
You need to setup permissions for iTrader in your usergroups settings in admincp.
You should not need to do any template hacks with this version.
Non-existent content ? don’t know what you mean.
I finally hit on this… it would be nice to have that little tid-bit in the install page. However it took 3 days of reading a dozen versions of the softwares posts to figure it out.
is there a trick to enabling the actual feedback? I don’t see where this is possible? Thanks for your guidance
@gymbogalore 21904 wrote:
Do you mean leaving someone feedback. ?
I’ve cracked the nut… I’m just so new I didn’t know what to expect from the solution. I now see that,if logged in as another user, you can provide feedback. I was testing with the admin account. Still, there is a boat load of misinformation out there on this.
thank you
How do you view and manage the disputed trades?
there is no « disputed » trades, this is just a rating system,…
How do I upload itrader to my FTP server?
the same way you uploaded your vBulletin script, and at the same place…
vBulletin Manual
… remember that this site is for site admins, so you’re supposed to know how to do it already, i’m not teaching.
Just installed iTrader on my forum and when I click ‘View Full Profile’ I get a
Any ideas what that’s about?
I’m running vBulletin version 3.8.3.
Stupid mistake, I activated it in iTrader Settings.
However, now when I click on ‘View Full Profile’ it says I do not have permission to access the page.. And I’m an Admin lol..
I can’t see anything under iTrader settings to fix it..
Any ideas?
You have to give your administrator’s usergroup the rights to access it…
thanks alot, that did the trick. Maybe make it more clear in instructions or somehting? It’s not exaqctly obvious..
thanks for the freebie
EDIT: I used someone elses wierd fix and now my iTrader dropdown looks like this
Im assuming bc of the skin Im using is why it didnt show up automatically.
heres the code I used from someone elses post
My menus go something like this
Any help to make the iTrader link look like the rest around it as shown in pic?
My menus go something like this
Any help to make the iTrader link look like the rest around it as shown in pic?
Any help to make the iTrader link look like the rest around it as shown in pic?
The guy’s over at CompleteVB should be able to tell you how to correct this for your style, i had the same problem once with a skin from CompleteVB.
They told me how to fix this, but there forums were hacked and they re started the forums from new, so my old post is missing.
It’s something to do with the class command.
no need to go elsewhere… just look at your post properly, the answer is there…
the default vBulletin class is:
yours is:
so in my code, simply switch the vbmenu_control to navigation
it’s all in english, i don’t see why you can not do it on your own… you will be able to test it yourself and become a better admin if you try it on your own!
I thought it was something like that BUT I wanted to be sure ill give it a go. Thanks for the help
EDIT: Yep that was it…silly me LOL
how do i install itrader to my vboard ; ; im not good with computer stuff at all
hum, ok… >>> vBulletin Manual – The Product Manager
lol sorry im so nub… ; ; i dowloaded your zip and then i extracted the files… i went to that part to up load and it say that a line error occurs. i upload was the one it was called the product something and when i click on it brings me here so i know thats not it which file do i need to upload after i unzipped it ther was a folder named upload these but they wont upload i dont know what im doing wrong lol
you upload what is inside the folder, not the folder itself…. zzzz
yeah i just not getting it…. ; ; i cant load the files through that upload thing cause they are php and it only does xml so i have no clue. the one file it was able to load was the xml in the folder upload this. so…. i know this is a noob question but ima complete newb at this lol
UPLOAD_FILES is a directory filled with files you UPLOAD via http://FTP... the exact same way you installed your vBulletin, it is written the exact same way…
IMPORT is by the process of the Product Manager like indicated by the tutorial/docs.
if you really need help, you can call for technical support, but i’m not free… PM me if needed.
lol how much are u i really need this uploaded right i had vbulletin uploaded for me lol
Is there a way to more the Feedback score from under the username to under their stats in their posts.. etc?
@hemelstrand 22275 wrote:
The only file you upload through vBulletin is the xml file. The others must be uploaded directly onto the server that vBulletin is on. You must upload them into the same folders as the named folders for VB. I would use caution if you’ve never done this sort of thing, as you may accidentally over write the files needed for VB. 22325 wrote:
hum, to move the detail in the postbit… yeah, i will provide a tweak for that tomorrow when i’m back at the office.. i do not have the product file in hand right now, but i know it’s just a template hook to rename.
Thanks nexia, and sorry about the part you edited out.
I noticed a minor issue when installed on vb 3.8.3
New feedback dates are displaying incorrectly and extra numbers are being added to the day. Here’s a screenshot for you.
Other than this, everything else seems to be working fine.
gosh, what’s that?… lol
i’ll take a look tomorrow!
@nexia 22331 wrote:
I found the problem and it was my own doing. Sorry to waste your time like that. I had accidentally listed the date format as F js, Y which caused the screwy date.
wouaaa…. thanks for the report… lol
Installed this yesterday and so far no problems. Is it possible to have the option of having the « Report Bad Rating » make a thread in a particular forum instead of sending an email to the admin? It’s easier to have reports sent to a forum than emails since more than 1 person will see them.
Thanks. Great mod!
this request is part of the plans for the next version…
I see a lot of users upgrading from version 2.1.0. I however am running a REAL old version – 2.0.1. Is the upgrade process equally as simple? Keeping my current member feedbacks is a must….
the upgrade is seemless, there is nothing lost if you do, so if you are on vBulletin 3.8, the best is to backup your database and do the upgrade — i never stress enough on the backup… weekly backup of your site is a must anyway, for security!
2.0.1 is not different from 2.1.0, and this upgrade take care of both!
Also – any news on this supposed exploit?
iTrader exploit. My Tables = Being sold – Forum
@nexia 22363 wrote:
Excellent – thanks! You are fast
@kontrabass 22364 wrote:
as indicated here:
there is no exploit… the guy who faced this was fooled by someone playing with him. there is no exploit and there never was any. this script was installed on more than 5000 forums, and he had the only one related to a « possible » exploit someone named randomly just to put the guy into stress.
it could even be a complete built for breaking the reputation of someone,you know… since the guy had the old version on his forum, nobody can garanty his site was safe… or even existent… the guy may even have built this whole story to make trouble… he is now vanished from the face of the earth anyway.
I wanna reset all users scores and reviews. Is it enough to:
TRUNCATE TABLE ‘itrader_comments’;
yup.. exactly…
i was planning adding this button in the adminCP, you just remindme.. :
Strict URL Checking?
Doesn’t work. I tried posting feedback in a random thread and it worked despite me not having posted in the thread.
Is that because I am admin?
actually i have no idea why it work at first place… lol
btw, do you use vbSEO?
anyway, this is gonna change in the next version.. you will not have to enter a url, you will simply be redirected to the form to fill from inside the thread you’re in, so no bogus.
@nexia 22405 wrote:
Excellent, can’t wait for the next version. :grin_Grin:
I do have a request, when you view a persons profile and click on their Feedback, can a link be added which takes you directly to the Feedback submission page…. or replace the View Full Profile link with Submit Feedback link instead.
Some folks on my site are complaining about how many clicks you have to make to submit feedback and how confusing it is. I personally don’t have a problem with it since I’ve been using iTrader since 3.6 but most on my site are not use to it.
Or if you can provide the code and exactly where I should make the change I can do it myself… after I back up my site. :grin_Wink:
I installed and everything is working fine.
I just wanted to know how I can change the font color from the points. For example, here at vbenhancer the color is red, right now on my forum is black. I would like to define blue as color. Is it possible?
font colors are based on your default style, nothing was made inside iTrader to make them different.. they are red here because all our links are red…
I have seen people leave feedback for threads in which they have not posted. This despite ‘strict’ URL checking being on.
Is there a bug?
the system just check that the thread exists… that’s why it is that much flawed… IF i finish by working the new version, the new system will simply have a field in threads so you add the comment there..
I would like to translate the itrader, at least some parts, but I couldn’t find the files even though I used the search system in the adminCP. Could you tell me what file should I look for to be able to translate the forms? and the « feedback score: X reviews, 100% » sentence?
I’d put in a note that after install, to make sure you set the user permissions, otherwise nothing shows for anyone. This really needs a few setup instructions.
@Rpessoa 22529 wrote:
Go to your Admin Control Panel then select Phrase Manager.
Scroll down to iTrader in the drop down box.
itrader_feedback_score is the « feedback score:
itrader_feedback_reviews is the reviews
If it’s in the name part next to every post that you mean.
Thank you, I’ll try to translate my Itrader now.
Thanks for the release!
regards from germany
i turned off the suspicious email option, but we are still getting the emails. i need it to stop, please advise.
hum, i’ll see what i can do in 3 days when i’m back at the office…
@MattyAsia 22546 wrote:
I just looked and do not see those phrase’s in the itrader section?
@nexia 22327 wrote:
I have gone through this thread and did not see the answer to this. How is this done?
I am trying to upgrade itrader.
When All the files are uploaded. When I tried to import the prorduct’s xml file (clicking Yes for Allow Overwrite for an upgrade) I got this:
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.4:
Invalid SQL:
ADD itrader_buy varchar(100) DEFAULT » NOT NULL,
ADD itrader_sell varchar(100) DEFAULT » NOT NULL;
MySQL Error : Duplicate column name ‘itrader_buy’
Error Number : 1060
as i said, i’ll check for this, the updater is doing it too often, which is wrong, i suppose it single line edit will fix everything… sorry, i was on vacation this week, unable to re-release anything… i’ll be back for you in the next hours.
Has anyone or have you integrated iTrader into or with Photopost Classifieds? I like their classifieds, but i prefer iTrader for user rating and feedback. So I’m going to look at replacing their rating system and links with iTrader.
it is not integrated yet, but as the version 3.0 is planned to be pluggable to any vBulletin compatible engine for quick access of stats and functions, i suppose it will be easy to deal with the Photopost guys if a plugin is possible… but this is not written in the rock yet… i have to start the 3.0 coding soon. 22325 wrote:
@nexia 22327 wrote:
Did you ever post up the tweak for this? I looked but did not see it. I may have missed it though.
i missed it too… i’ll try to update everything iTrader based today… it’s the « back to school » day here, and i try to update myself to all the bugs that were posted here in the last 2 weeks…
@nexia 22814 wrote:
any update?
Hi [user]cynthia[/user], sorry if i took so long to correct this problem, i faced an overwhelming situation here at home, called « back to school week »…
ok, i fixed the product file, it now verify if the fields exists before making the update… it is SUPPOSED to work as planned now. you can try again with this, simply re-import the product, overwrite the actual, do not uninstall…
@cynthia 22806 wrote:
Also, i added this:
This will answer everybody willing to change the location of the Feedback Score indicator in the postbit. this feature is related to the template hooks inside the postbit and postbit_legacy, so this is supposed to work on non-customized templates after vB 3.7.
Right now it is located « After All Userinfo on Right »… as you can see!
you just have to re-import the product, not uninstall, no need to upload the files again.
@mattbarb 22782 wrote:
have you gotten a chance to look at this issue?
@nexia 22841 wrote:
Thank you so much.
I did have another concern. I am having difficulties getting the itrader into my navbar. I tried searching and noticed you had mentioned preparing a tutorial for this. Do you have that?
Thank you again for your assistance. I am so glad to see itrader up and going.
I’ve just downloaded & installed this mod and it didn’t add in the itrader_buy and itrader_sell columns to the user table – I think $vbulletin is missing from in front of 2 dbs
I’ve manually added the columns so it is working fine for me, but just thought I’d let you know.
I have no feedback info in the postbit, please check my code on postbit, thanks all :
Got it using :
But now i have two lol
If you have customized the template, simply drop what you added regarding iTrader, that’s the element which is doubled…
Yes now it’s ok, thanks, nice mod
I had a different issue but it doesn’t seem to be related so I am removing this post. :grin_Grin:
Ok…I’ve installed – I’ve set my usergroup permissions to view…Itrader is active…. I’m not getting anything displayed in postbit at all. It is not modified.
I’m also not getting anything in the navbar..although it IS modified.
Any ideas???
Thanks in advance
@Bylo 22866 wrote:
I have that problem…how do you add tables manually??
sorry for the error on installation, now it is fixed. when i first given the job to one of the guys, he was new to the team, not even registered here yet, and it was proven that his CV was kinda bloated, he prove me he was stupid and knew nothing about vBulletin… sorry for you all.
now the process is supposed to be ok, i pushed all the install process into the regular vBulletin protocol, so the missing field is supposed to be detected now.
download the new version and re-import the product file.
hello short question
are a german translation available?
hum, nope…*(short answer!)
i had someone translating it to some languages but it seems he was disconnected before releasing the translations… lol… his mother may have found him in his closet, naked, tied from head to toe…
Hi. I´ve this error when upload the product:
I think the product (or the last version) has some problem of programing..
hum, this is not related to the latest changes i’ve done, i’ll check that by the weekend
Hi Guys,
Im getting the following error on 3.8.4 when installing through the product panel in admincp
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.4:
Invalid SQL:
DROP INDEX rateduserid,
DROP INDEX rateid,
ADD INDEX rateid (rateid, dateline),
ADD INDEX rateduserid (rateduserid, dateline, rating),
ADD INDEX (ipaddress);
MySQL Error : Table ‘matt_vbdb.itrader’ doesn’t exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Tuesday, September 22nd 2009 @ 09:50:21 PM
Error Date : Tuesday, September 22nd 2009 @ 09:50:21 PM
Script : Log in – Ace Reptiles Forum – vBulletin Admin Control Panel
Referrer : Log in – Ace Reptiles Forum – vBulletin Admin Control Panel
IP Address :
Username : Admin
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.81-community
Hum, you have a strange error, because the procedure for the installation is the same for everybody… the table is supposed to exists, it is created the second before this process modify it… impossible to make it different… or you have a iTrader 2.0.0 installed on your site with a different prefix, which would be very cumbersome as it was released for less than 3 hours, 4 years ago…
i will try to revamp the install process to include all changes in a single shot…
i thought this too, but i have never installed iTrader before its the 1st time.
ok, release edited, the install is now clearer on the dB modifs…
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE, expecting ‘)’ in /home/matt/public_html/forums/admincp/plugin.php(1995) : eval()’d code on line 52
vB_Database_Alter: fetch_table_info() has not been called successfully.
Table ‘matt_vbdb.itrader’ doesn’t exist
Sorry mate, if its too much work i can always drop using it i just thought it’d be the best thing as it was recommended to me. :grin_Frown:
ok, i re-changed the install process, now no matter what, it will install in a single version, 2,5,0… no more upgrade.. anyway, it will proceed to upgrade it if has to do it…
no it’s not too much work, it’s just bad install script that a moron modified without my conscent…
and i know you were refered to use it, that’s why it has to work… :grin_Grin:
Thank you so much i really appreciate it and look forward to V3
Still doesn’t work at all on my forum :/
With the last modification now I can install the product with no database error but once installed shows this error on /itrader_main.php:
Also a same error appears when viewing a user profile..
uninstall completely, start over… when you had errors, part of the database was installed but not completely.
and if it does not work then, jut simply drop it, your server does not want iTrader on your vBulletin. there is no error there, no missing field.
@nexia 22959 wrote:
Yeah, now works perfect
What’s wrong ?
I Imported the xml file : ok.
Uploaded the files. yes.
iTrader Setting shown on Option Setting : yes
iTrader Permission Setting shown on User Group : No !
Now, if i click on user’s profile all i get is a blank page.
I uploade the files into « Upload » folders under the VB folder, is this correct ?
enlightment please ….
@Netdom 22966 wrote:
No, you upload the files from within the upload folder to VB
oh gosh, i did not see that line… rofl… yeah, the « UPLOAD » directory means you upload what’s inside, not the folder itself…
@andyrew 22982 wrote:
@nexia 22984 wrote:
Thanks guys,
there must be a beginning somewhere,
smile at last … its up and running :grin_Grin:
I have the version 3.8 with the template postbit_legacy modified. I do not see any information from the postbit iTrader nor as to votes. I only listed members, and each user’s profile
if you use the postbit_legacy and it is modified, you will have to compare the modified postbit_legacy and add the missing elements with the original postbit_legacy…
I reverted the template postbit_legacy and reinstalled the product, and still do not see anything in the template
ok, as you can see, i changed the postbit on the site so it is the legacy version… and is the default template, no change… it works.
check in the AdminCP >> vBulletin Options >> iTrader Settings:
Forums Where Feedback Score is shown … if you set something here, only in these forums you see the scores.
remember also that the Score will not show when you post a Quick Reply, it will show when you refresh the page.
I have everything default and does not appear. I have a fluid style known galaxy, but the original template
$vbphrase[reason]: $post[edit_reason]