5 thoughts on “Bring it on!”

  1. Drew dit :

    Ok sounds good I’ll be working on MTF

  2. nexia dit :

    isn’t it what you were already doing, working???


  3. Drew dit :

    Yeah, but if I say I it I know I’ll do it lol and be thinking about it

  4. nexia dit :

    personal motivation, i see… lol

    oh, btw, your partner, is working with you?
    (on this project i mean!)

    oh, and as you’re a brilliant brain, can you put requests/suggestions on the iTrader stuff, i need inspiration.. lol

  5. Drew dit :

    No we are not working together anymore we had some differences on how to run SiteSmart

    lol usually i’m not very good with making suggestions but implanting them.

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