Strike for Banned User

Will block access to banned users profile and indicate a banned status in postbit.

It’s a strike, so it’s complete. Users will not have access to banned users profile, and will receive a notice instead:

There is also an indication in the postbit that the user was banned. the online icon will show locked, and the personal infos of the user will not be displayed:

All these details are configurable in the AdminCP >> vBulletin Options >> User Banning: Nexia’s Strike for Banned User menu:

Flexible, simple, efficient. Banned users are not welcome anymore on your site?.. .this is the tool!

update: version 1.0.1: from [user]HiBEES[/user] bug report, the date of the unban date is now corrected … was showing the hours by error.

Views: 89

9 thoughts on “Strike for Banned User”

  1. mikey1991 dit :

    Well, I as an admin can still see the user profile, is this the same for all users?

    I can see the notice above it too, though, and the user profile below.

  2. nexia dit :

    As an admin you see the profile… i forgot to indicate it… 🙂

  3. mikey1991 dit :

    Okay, thanks 🙂

  4. hIBEES dit :

    Thanks for the fix, workin brilliantly now :grin_Grin:

  5. Azhria Lilu dit :

    Don’t suppose this also has (or you would consider adding) the ability to stop showing them in the who’s online list as well 🙂

  6. nexia dit :

    this is a setting by default in the permissions, you can make them hidden in the who’s online per usergroup.

  7. Azhria Lilu dit :

    I could see an option for them not to view the who’s online, but not one for them not to show up.

  8. nexia dit :

    oh, wait, i think it was one of my private addon.. rofl

  9. Azhria Lilu dit :

    @nexia 26164 wrote:

    oh, wait, i think it was one of my private addon.. rofl

    Figures LOL don’t suppose you want to share :p

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