Showthread Stats

Show Thread Stats below the navbar (replace forum-description)


This is a simple hack that can be enhanced a lot by adding more stats or rules, depending on what you want to do with it. This is a really basic startup for coders with ideas!

thanks to Taragon for the dates idea!

Views: 680

12 thoughts on “Showthread Stats”

  1. Tech Guy dit :

    Great addition .. thanks nexia
    Made phrase ‘English’ 😀 ..

    Posted by {1}, this thread has received {2} replies and been viewed {3} times.

  2. nexia dit :

    rofl… yeah, i have hard time translating in real english, thanks i will correct this!

  3. Taragon dit :

    fyi, the phrase/product hasn’t been updated yet.

  4. nexia dit :

    oups… i put this in the task list for december, when i’m back at coding.

  5. Taragon dit :

    do you perhaps know if

    $thread[lastpostdate] $thread[lastposttime]

    or similar would be available in SHOWTHREAD? (it is in threadbit, but it doesn’t seem to work here)

  6. nexia dit :

    hum, have to be named something else… i’ll take a look

  7. Taragon dit :

    would it be ‘ok’ to create this plugin and attach it to showthread_complete?
    [php]// thread last reply date/time
    $thread = vbdate($vbulletin->options, $thread, true);
    $thread = vbdate($vbulletin->options, $thread);[/php]
    which is actually working btw. (whoohoo, my 1st mod and all :p)

  8. nexia dit :

    see, i knew you could do it… you have far more talent than you think… lol

  9. Taragon dit :

    lol, yes, and thanks! I’m quite pleased with it, as I’m quite a Jives fan (even though I can’t afford it :p)

  10. ctrlbrk dit :

    Excellent job with this.

    I would love to see the addition of how many attachments are contained in the thread and how many times they’ve been viewed in total.


  11. ctrlbrk dit :

    Question, how can I make this a fieldset?


    I couldn’t find the template anywhere to make the change myself.


  12. nexia dit :

    the template used in this product is the « Forum Description » part in the navbar, so if you want to edit it, you’d be better edit the navbar template, OR edit the product to make it different for what you want.

    the goal of these small hacks is to provide the designers the flexibility to do whatever they want with it… 😉

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