iTrader now under vbEnhancer’s ownership, here comes version 2.5

Some people already know that is now the place where to look at when we talk iTrader. The goal is to provide support and upgrade for this great engine, because Jason* is unable to provide support anymore due to real life commitments.

So now is the official announcement for the new release to come, as i received more than enough emails asking for this upgrade in the last week, due to a leak on…

Here is the plans for the next days. I have no deadline for the delivery, because i have to evaluate what is left to be done, as i received Gio~logist addons for iTrader only two days ago and i’m not finished recoding them. They will be fully integrated to the new version, and i will provide a HowTo for the ones who already have these addons on their sites, so i have to write that documentation too.

I’m also reading all the discussions of the official release on, to find the bugs and the fixes that goes with them, and i’m checking if some requests can be fulfilled with this first re-release. This is hard time as i can not focus more than 2 hours per day on this task, as my family life take over the virtual life of the internet — i know, some of you do not understand real life, but i am.

I have to recode the entire iTrader engine to make it a single-file built. It’s not complicated, but it have to be done once and bug free. I’m also writing the french language file because there are possibilities to use it in any language and i received some requests to have it in french.

So planned like this, i have to calculate at least 15 hours of work, split in about 10 days… so calculate a release to be around March 15th…

Views: 147

30 thoughts on “iTrader now under vbEnhancer’s ownership, here comes version 2.5”

  1. nexia dit :

    As a tip on what’s going with iTrader, here is a resumé of what we’re doing so far for the 2.5 version:

    1. consolidating all existing addons into the core of iTrader, with permissions and on/off settings
    2. debugging existing code and cleaning code protocol (making it more readable for me and others)
    3. updating code to be vB 3.8.x compatible
    4. writing Doc for update and upgrade your old installed version
    5. writing French language

    … this is what is to be done for the next release available in about a week.

    BUT, we have more on the path, because we’re not only updating it, we’re enhancing it:

    • merging the multiple files to be a single file core
    • making all hooks integrated codes into files to make it easier to extend/debug
    • porting everything to the OOP technique, and be vBulletin 4.0 Ready
    • add some users setting so they can hide their info if needed
    • add some groups permissions to make it more integrated to new vB features
    • binding the engine to the new MTF engine so you can use the Trader inside your Marketplace/Freelancers forum

    There is still no release date for this new 3.0 version, but it will be in the next 2 months, as we do not want to make you wait for too long. Once the MTF engine is released, we can do the integration with it, as it will be simple. The other ideas are on the table already, and will be tested on in the next weeks. Once solid here, we release that new version.

  2. nexia dit :

    A little note on the last element for 3.0, the integration to the Marketplace forums:

    with or without the MTF engine added, you will see a difference in display when you visit a member’s Trading history page. in 3.0, each entry will be filtered by Forum, so it will be easier to see how the member behave in different situations:

    let’s say you have a marketplace where you sell/buy stuff, and a freelancer where coders work for you… you need to seperate which activity is rated, because both means different things. selling content is not the same kind of work than answering a service request.

    so the new engine will show two different entries and the ratings that goes with them. here is an example:

    Nexia’s ranking: 57%

    Freelancer Jobs: 4 reviews, ranking 90%
    Marketplace: 8 reviews, ranking 40%

    so you see that i’m a good freelancer, but a bad seller… 🙂

    This is a large enhancement for the actual engine, but i suppose it will worth the wait!


    when you have the MTF engine added to your forum with the proper addon for Marketplace or Freelancing, you have more flexibility because the engine will integrate iTrader directly, making it easier to track transactions and reviews based on each topic/offer/request. the integration is fluid, customizable, and easy to navigate thru.

  3. kronnos dit :

    Nice changes but what if freelance is not used on the site? Can it be brocken down to categories like Buying and Selling instead of Freelance and Marketplace? Or just remove the different entries rating?

  4. nexia dit :

    These are just examples of terms. In the forum manager, you will have a switch that activate/deactivate iTrader tracking… if it is activated, whatever the forum name, each forum will be in the list IF the member have transactions tracked in that forum.

    the MTF addition is made only to transform that forum into a real Freelancer’s forum, or a Marketplace, but is not related to the default iTrader’s functionalities.

  5. kronnos dit :

    Oh, have a little iTrader related question. I’m sure everyone has seem the link to iTrader 2 when viewing the feedback…whats that all about and will it now be removed?

  6. nexia dit :

    that’s all removed … even if this is a free release, i’m dropping ALL COPYRIGHT notices whatsoever in my scripts… each script that is now/and future to be under my ownership is without any link, notice, copyright, etc in the End User side…

    The only place where you can have a link related to the owner/author of the hacks is in the Products description in the Products Manager of your AdminCP… that’s enough for credits.

  7. kronnos dit :

    Thats all good news! BTW, is everything going as planned for the time frame of the release or having some issues with it along the way?

  8. nexia dit :

    everything is going as planned, there is no lag in the roadmap, the only thing is the timespan… i have 2 hands, not 20.. 🙂

  9. nexia dit :

    Ok, an update on this announcement. As i was working on my vacation planning for the last 3 days, i did not have time to finish the update of the script, so tomorrow is not the date of the release.

    i may have to work on it for the next 4 days before i make a final test here and release that version. Basically it’s working on my testbed, but i did not install it on vbE, and i’m not finished with the install script, as it’s the major change of the upgrade… will be sure it works for all!

  10. kronnos dit :

    That you for the good news. Also, thank you for trying to release a version that will work and not release 5 different beta version:)

    @nexia 13794 wrote:

    Ok, an update on this announcement. As i was working on my vacation planning for the last 3 days, i did not have time to finish the update of the script, so tomorrow is not the date of the release.

    i may have to work on it for the next 4 days before i make a final test here and release that version. Basically it’s working on my testbed, but i did not install it on vbE, and i’m not finished with the install script, as it’s the major change of the upgrade… will be sure it works for all!

  11. nexia dit :

    yeah, that’s the goal, i never release betas or RC, this is pathetic when you have only changed 2 lines… ok, iTrader structure will have more than 2000 lines changed, but that’s just a product, not a complete forum… 😉

  12. nexia dit :

    Here are the actual permissions possible with the 2.x version of the engine:

    Can Administrate Ratings
    Can Rate Other Users
    Can View Ratings

    So here is the actual plan for New Permissions Structure in iTrader 3.0 (the version that will follow the actual update)

    Usergroup Permissions:

    can see itrader globally
    can deactivate globally (to not be bothered with the engine at all)

    can see users details
    can deactivate own details (then the user can not be rated, on personal choice – setting in userCP)

    can rate others
    can be rated by others

    can moderate others ratings (admin level)
    can moderate own ratings (and comments)

    ratings given are in moderation queue (to be approved in admin level)
    ratings received are in moderation queue (to be approved in admin level)

    These usergroup permissions will be based on the « Global iTrader Settings »… so if the settings force all ratings to be moderated, the usergroup perm will not be used.

  13. nexia dit :

    hum, i see that my latest post was not recovered when i used the forum’s backup after the stupid Merge with ImpEx failed… so here i go again:

    The entire package is done, the only step i need to do before releasing is to place phrases everywhere, as the extensions and other addons were hardcoded in english. I’m partially done with this, but it takes time because there is a lot of texts etc…

    Also, i finish revamping the code to be vBulletin 3.8.x … i’m not putting any code for backward compatibility. If you want to use an older version of iTrader, you’re welcome to do so by downloading the archives in Jason’s iTrader Archive – . That old version is unsupported but available.

    i’ll be repackaging the engine in the next hours, i suppose it will be complete by the end of the week-end… hopefully the family have no plans right now!

  14. nexia dit :

    hum, i see that my latest post was not recovered when i used the forum’s backup after the stupid Merge with ImpEx failed… so here i go again:

    The entire package is done, the only step i need to do before releasing is to place phrases everywhere, as the extensions and other addons were hardcoded in english. I’m partially done with this, but it takes time because there is a lot of texts etc…

    Also, i finish revamping the code to be vBulletin 3.8.x … i’m not putting any code for backward compatibility. If you want to use an older version of iTrader, you’re welcome to do so by downloading the archives in Jason’s iTrader Archive – . That old version is unsupported but available.

    i’ll be repackaging the engine in the next hours, i suppose it will be complete by the end of the week-end… hopefully the family have no plans right now!

  15. gronph dit :

    it seems that your Family had Plans 😉

  16. nexia dit :

    actually yes, but i’m done with the files… i’m translating to french right now, which is complicated, with more than 300 phrases… some of them are to be rephrases too because they do not represent the goal. also, i’m dealing with some clients who already have iTrader, and i make some tests…

    you do not want to have a buggy release, don’t you?!


  17. nexia dit :

    next 24 hours will be crucial… 😉

  18. Ann dit :

    Thank you for your work in enhancing iTrader to make it compatible with newer versions of vbulletin. I look forward to seeing the new version when you are done. The people who made vbulletin don’t give you and Jason enough credit for your work on iTrader. Many people would have no use for vbulletin without iTrader. vbulletin should be thanking you two.

  19. nexia dit :


    the next release, version 2.5 as planned will be released in the next 24 hours…

  20. cirdok2 dit :

    I’m looking forward to the next release! Thanks for your job 😉
    The MTF idea is great too.

    In the meantine I need to move all the Buy feedbacks under Sell. Is that possible? I cannot figure out which query to run.

    Thanks 🙂

  21. ArnyVee dit :

    Can’t wait for the release! 😀

  22. cirdok2 dit :

    @cirdok2 20551 wrote:

    In the meantine I need to move all the Buy feedbacks under Sell. Is that possible? I cannot figure out which query to run.

    sorry if I bump this question 😮

    I know that you are doing a huge (and most appreciated 😉 ) work for the new release and I would like to give it a try, but I need to do this « move » before.

  23. nexia dit :

    hum, sorry if i did not answer sooner, i missed your question.

    sure it’s possible, i’ll provide you with a modified template tomorrow… it’s simple, but the office is closed right now… parenting occurs now!

  24. cirdok2 dit :

    @nexia 20671 wrote:

    hum, sorry if i did not answer sooner, i missed your question.

    sure it’s possible, i’ll provide you with a modified template tomorrow… it’s simple, but the office is closed right now… parenting occurs now!

    thank you! 🙂
    Isn’t it possible through a query?

  25. nexia dit :

    a query does not handle the content of the output structure/skeleton…

    btw, i’ll look into this by monday, we are very occupied this week-end at the office and home…

  26. cirdok2 dit :

    sorry, perhaps I was not very clear before.

    I just took a look to the itrader tables and the value buy/sell/trade is stored as 1,2,3 in the field buyselltrade (itrader table).

    I just need to change all the « buy » in « sell ». 🙂

  27. nexia dit :

    OH, i thought you were talking about the look of the page, not the database… sorry…

    hum, i’ll make a little custom tweak for you. it’s a 2 seconds flat execution time…

  28. nexia dit :

    Here it goes Cirdok2:

    simply import this tweak as a product, you can Uninstall it once it’s installed, there is no revert…

    what it does:
    2 = sell, 1 = buy, 5 = replacement var

    # first query, change all « 2 » to « 5 »
    # second query, change all « 1 » to « 2 »
    # third query, change all « 5 » to « 1 »

    a note for the visitors, this tweak is not for all usages, i prefer online support… 😉

  29. cirdok2 dit :

    @nexia 20731 wrote:

    Here it goes Cirdok2:

    simply import this tweak as a product, you can Uninstall it once it’s installed, there is no revert…

    what it does:
    2 = sell, 1 = buy, 5 = replacement var

    # first query, change all « 2 » to « 5 »
    # second query, change all « 1 » to « 2 »
    # third query, change all « 5 » to « 1 »

    a note for the visitors, this tweak is not for all usages, i prefer online support… 😉

    wow a file with my name! Thanks! 🙂

    I don’t need to switch the values, so I can run just the second query. 🙂

  30. nexia dit :

    lol, no, you did not understand… ok, the query just do what you want, it’s not changing the values, it’s switching the fields as you require.. lol the explanation is logics.

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