[addon] iTrader Extension [Mainpage, Search, AND MORE], from Gio~Logist

What does this do?
This hack extends the capabilities of iTrader a great deal. For starters, it supplies a mainpage where you can view recent
ratings, highest rated members, lowest rated members, stats in general, and more. It also supplies a page where you can view
all members and their itrader stats. One of the best features this gives is the ability for people to show what they are selling
and what they are buying at the moment. Using these set fields, users can then click a « find a customer » link, or a « find a seller »
link that will bring up a perfect match for them.

What does this hack add to the functionability of iTrader?

  • Mainpage – Which includes the following
    • iTrader stats for site in general
    • Recent Ratings
    • Top Traders
    • Hall of shame (lowest rated traders)
  • A search where you can see all traders and some stats/info
  • The ability for users to have an option for « What they want to buy » and « What they are selling », which allows for the following:
    • A page where they can edit these fields.
    • A « Find A Customer » page that matches what they are selling with what someone is buying
    • A « Find A Seller » pahe that matches what they are buying with what someone is selling.

What does this hack require?
Template Edits: 2
Products Imported: 1
You must have iTrader installed

Enjoy the hack.

reference: iTrader Extension [Mainpage, Search, AND MORE] – vBulletin.org Forum

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