7 thoughts on “vBCMS muckup…”

  1. nexia dit :

    oh, and btw Drew, how much does your job will cost me yet?


  2. Drew dit :

    Do you mean like how much right now? Or how much after the releases engine and the Master?

  3. nexia dit :

    both, we never know… lol i have to fill my paypal account if you cost me too much… rofl

  4. Drew dit :

    I would say right now probably ~$150 – ~$200 (that seems about right? I mean mtf is like 90% finished right now i’m just making the code more efficent)

    In the end it all depends on how much we decide to put in the release engine.

  5. nexia dit :

    hey, i thought it would be more complicated… lol

    ok, forthe releases engine, it’s all yours. i’m just giving ideas, and they worth « ideas value »… you want to code it, you have 100% of the profits from it.

    for the other addons anyway, i may be able to recode them or at least do more work than just ideas, so we will split accordingly… but my thought is that instead of sharing % of the sales, we select the ones which we receive the sales from… your idea on that?

  6. Drew dit :

    Well I planned on having the release engine have a feature so that it could split credits on a per forum basis (i explained it in another post) but it really doesn’t matter.

  7. nexia dit :

    sure the engine can do it, but i would prefer if we do not gfight on percentages… 😉 you do not like the idea of having 100% of the sales ?… lol i can handle it then… rofl

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