iTrader 2.1.0 (Interim Release)

To hold people over until I get the full updated version with new features released, I’m posting this Interim version that has been tested / updated for vBulletin 3.7.x

There are no new features in this release, it is simply compatability updates and minor bug fixes. There are changes to both files & templates, but no changes to the iTrader tables.

iTrader – A user feedback add-on for vBulletin 3.7.x
Copyright ©2004-2008 Jason Rabel, All Rights Reserved.
Latest iTrader Verson: 2.1.0
vB Versions Supported: 3.7.x
Author: Jason Rabel
Contact: PM me here.
Site: EXTREME Overclocking
iTrader for vBulletin has evolved from Trader Ratings for vB 3.0.x which evolved from Buy/Sell/Trade User Rating System for vB 2.x. This is a rating system for when members buy / sell / trade items from each other (presumably on a FS section of your forum). It is somewhat based on the honor system since there is no automatic way to truly tell if they did engage in a transaction. iTrader came about because it was a pain to try and maintain a single thread listing good / bad traders and so far has worked out quite well.


  • Rate another member: Positive / Negative / Neutral
  • Specify in each transaction: Buyer, Seller, or Trade
  • Leave multiple comments about the deal
  • Dates & IPs are all recorded to prevent abuse
  • Specify a thread URL to the deal
  • Advanced URL checking
  • Display ratings over time
  • Filter based on Buyer/Seller/Trade/or feedback they left for others
  • Users can edit/delete ratings left for others (time based limitation)
  • iTrader Admins can edit/delete anyone’s ratings (just incase)
  • PM notification when new rating or comment is left
  • Per-usergroup permissions
  • Lots of admin controllable options

Installation / Upgrade Info:
Read the included readme file, it explains everything.

Standard Disclaimer:

This add-on will always be free, however your donations are kindly accepted and will help towards further development. The link is on the right under « The Developer » info. smile.gif

reference: iTrader 2.1.0 (Interim Release) – Forum

Views: 61

18 thoughts on “iTrader 2.1.0 (Interim Release)”

  1. nexia dit :

    First update i’m doing is right now, no more template edits to add iTrader to the navbar or the postbit… and permissions are given to these links, so the iTrader details are not showing to usergroups with no permission to « Can View Ratings » …

    .. these are small details, but i hate template edits!

    version 2.1.1 on the shelf!

  2. neo dit :

    Nice! Good to hear.

  3. neo dit :

    So what I am wondering if when the version 2.1.1 will be available?


  4. kronnos dit :

    Cool, im glad I found this place. Glad to see less template eddits in the future. When should 2.1.1 be expected out and would it be compatible with 3.8.1?

    BTW, nothing mentioned about this site on the iTrader thread on Are you the original person that created the mod on Vb or are you just continuing with it?

  5. kronnos dit :

    Never mind on the last question, I just read the « quote » right above this thread. Also, what are the requirements to download attachments?

  6. Shazz dit :

    Great support Nex! 🙂

  7. Spinball dit :

    We’re a long time user of iTrader with some members having trader ratings of over 350!
    It’s awesome news that you are picking this up.
    Can I please suggest that you emulate the ebay system because that is what people are used to.
    Thanks 😀

  8. Spinball dit :

    I have just installed 2.1 on to vBulletin 3.8.1 over at ADF Home and when I click forums/itrader.php?u=nnnnn, I get a

    The iTrader system is currently closed.

    If you can assist in any way, I would be most grateful as this is urgent. Many thanks 🙂

  9. nexia dit :

    Hum, the site is not yet opened officially, and this old release is supported on, as it was not locked yet.

    in the next days i will post a complete version with debugs, and THEN i will start supporting it…

    sorry for the ones interested in the product, but the site is just opened for voyeurs right now.. 🙂

  10. kronnos dit :

    @nexia 13735 wrote:

    Hum, the site is not yet opened officially, and this old release is supported on, as it was not locked yet.

    in the next days i will post a complete version with debugs, and THEN i will start supporting it…

    sorry for the ones interested in the product, but the site is just opened for voyeurs right now.. 🙂

    Cool, great to hear from you and im sure a few days we can all wait;)

    BTW, the one on VB is in the graveyard and its unavailable to download, therefore no support there as well.

  11. nexia dit :

    yeah, i saw this after posting my reply, looks like Jason finally have quit for good… as planned, but sooner.. 🙂

    it will be quick, i just wait a single file to be added and i do the release.

  12. nexia dit :
    neo;13699 wrote:
    So what I am wondering if when the version 2.1.1 will be available?


    Actually it will be a version 2.5, as i’m implementing a list of features, debugs and some template changes… i’ll let the 2.1.0 version available so you can see what was changed, and you will be able to track what you have to check if you update… the old template edits are to be dropped, so there is no more template edits by hand…

  13. kronnos dit :

    Cool, so will this be 3.8 usable? And thanks again for picking this up!

  14. nexia dit :

    as it’s stated elsewhere, i update ONLY for the actual version, so yes, 3.8+ … older vBulletin versions can use the obsolete version of iTrader…

  15. Spinball dit :

    Might it be possible to throw us a 3.8 compatible version right away by any chance, please? My traders are screaming for iTrader and they need it now without any new features rather than later with lots of features.
    Thanks and keep up the good work!

  16. nexia dit :

    you did not read the announcement, really:

    and i’m not answering single person’s requests on public release, i answer globally to major needs. having it right now would make you happy, only you.

  17. Spinball dit :

    You’re right, I hadn’t seen the announcement. Thanks for the clarification.

  18. Brandon Sheley dit :

    @nexia 13771 wrote:

    you did not read the announcement, really:

    and i’m not answering single person’s requests on public release, i answer globally to major needs. having it right now would make you happy, only you.

    oh that’s awesome nexia!!

    I didn’t think this site was ever going to make it live, I’m glad it has. We had a few members asking about the itrader mod, I’ve directed them here 😉

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