Searchable types/fields yes/no

As we will make all these new engines completely dependant of the forum itself, it’s easy to think that we will be able to evade the big problems from the other products already on the market.

example, all of MadeByMary stuff is complete independant tools — she lied about it, but all her tools were existing tools she stole and recoded to be compatible with vB… i’m not stupid!

same for Lionel’s stuff at vbCover, as for vba-Dynamics, Photopost, and so on… all these tools have Search capabilities, but are dependant of their own core, so when we do a global search via vB, we can not search these elements.

So we need two different things:

in the Search tab of the navbar, we will be able to add selective types:

Search Forum [x]
Search Articles [x]
Search Classifieds [ ]
Search Reviews [x]

you see the picture (a picture worth thousand words usually)

so we can uncheck what we do not want to search for… the result in the next page would be a selection by type, or mixed up with a prefix of each type… we could add a setting in the adminCP where we choose to display in a style or the other…

the example above is based on the navbar proximity with the whole site… but we also need something specific per type… the actual structure of vB makes it hard for the visitors to find the right search field… so we will add a little modification that i have in bank for a long time:

Search the Whole Forum
Search This forum Only
Search Type X Only

so when we’re in the Classified, the first accessible search field would be the Classified, and the visitor can check to search the whole site… etc!

Views: 26

3 thoughts on “Searchable types/fields yes/no”

  1. Drew dit :

    Right now I have it so each forum types products tells vb what templates to use so in theory when searching we could add a couple hooks that change the threadbit template to that forum types threadbit?

  2. nexia dit :

    yeap… that’s all we need internally… we just need to add some « search switches » in the search hooks and in the navbar, so everything will be ok… this is not related to your actual work though, it is minimal…

    i just needed to write this statement.

  3. Drew dit :

    Okay sounds good

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