MTF development restarted…

Lately, i was lazy on the work… had a period of heavy changes in the business part of this site, and as we lost our biggest client (ya know, NYSE drops made some bankrupcies), we had to reform the « behind the scene » of, and at the same time i was up for a complete change of style and format.

Though, the MTF engine is one of the few things that did not change in the path. The Multi-Types Forums engine is on the road of completion for the first ßeta stage, and will be reactivated on this site next week…

It is ThanksGiving this weekend in Canada, so we’re not working for 4 days, imagine, 4 days without my computer — ok, no relation with the event, i just go on vacation with my family…

So in the next days, you will see a commercial announcement of the MTF engine.

The base price was fixed at 150$, containing 3 basic types.

Each additional type will be charged from 25$ to 250$, depending on the engine… some are very complex and used for commercial-like sites only…

Support for the MTF will be inclusive for the first year, and you can purchase a renewal at any time for 50$/year. There is no per-type renewal, it is global to the MTF core engine, so you do not have to renew the purchase of each of your addons.

Also, a note about support. The engine is built based on vBulletin 3.7 configuration, and precede vB 3.8 which will be released soon. The engine will never be supported below the actual version as indicated at If you have an obsolete forum script, it is suggested to upgrade.

Views: 20

3 thoughts on “MTF development restarted…”

  1. KURTZ dit :

    finally! thx Nexy …. i’m waiting for the forum events from long time 🙂

  2. KURTZ dit :

    well done Nexy!

  3. seovb dit :

    What exactly is this MTF? It sounds like voodoo magic or something is it?!

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