Expand User Changelog

Just a demo of how you have to do if you want to log more of the edits made by on users by admins and users (by default it log the username, usergroups, email change…)

This is a product file only, and it’s a 2 second change in that same product file if you want to add more fields to be logged.

This product is used to customize log for clients that require a more precise way to track the members profile changes… Can be good for tracking moderators actions upon members.


As you can see in this screenshot, the first two lines are the result of what i added in the product, to log the « usertitle » field. The other details are already by default…

This little system is to be manipulated by someone who knows how it work, or you will break your forum quickly. And it is shaped in a product so you can deactivate it quickly.

… not file or template edits, just import the product.

Views: 17

2 thoughts on “Expand User Changelog”

  1. Taragon dit :

    Interesting, thank you.

    I’ve seen something similar by Marco van Herwaarden in the past, which also shows the output on forumhome and the memberinfo page.
    Some adjustments made and it’ll definitely encourage members to actually ‘do’ something with their profile and friends listing.

    I’ll definitely give this a try 🙂

  2. nexia dit :

    actually, Marco’s hack was just a display of the log in the pages you name, which is not adding the fields i’m indicating in this hack… the goal of my hack is different, it’s not to display the changes, it is to add the possible changes in the log, so the admin really know what are the elements that are changed by the user/admins …

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