8 thoughts on “Banners List”

  1. nexia dit :

    The archive .zip contains 4 banners that are there for demo and to see that your installation works properly. Please remove them as you will not want to see your members use them on their places i suppose!

  2. vbclips dit :

    Amazing, can’t wait to download this

  3. mikey1991 dit :

    I have a userbar, how do I add this? I created a folder called « userbar » inside /banners/ and it’s not showing on the list, but when I put an image inside a pre made folder, it works.. Why? D:

  4. nexia dit :

    hum, my script is checking all directories named with a X in it… like 234×45 … that was the goal of the engine to have a display based on the size of the images…

    BUT: the script can be modified, here *(line 29 of the /banners/index.php file):
    [php]foreach (glob(‘*x*’, GLOB_ONLYDIR ) as $dirarray)[/php]to this:
    [php]foreach (glob(‘*’, GLOB_ONLYDIR ) as $dirarray)[/php]

    also, as you can see in the code, it only parse the gif., .jpg and .png files… you can modify this if you need to list flash banners too…

  5. mikey1991 dit :


    I figured it out, I used the userbars size instead of the « userbar » name and it worked fine!

    Thanks for that! Great mod.. I’m using alot of your mods here: ExplosiveGFX – The definitive source for graphics enthusiasts! and here SleekvB Designs – Free and Premium vBulletin Designs


    Big fan, I’m going to add a button at the the bottom of ExplosiveGFX saying « powered by vbenhancer » 😀

  6. Shelley dit :

    Nice, I just installed this. Chucked in some cat headers and footer images and it’s looking better. Preview of my Banner Headers Page.

  7. mikey1991 dit :

    Hmm, why would I get this:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/banners/index.php on line 32

  8. nexia dit :

    no images in any of the folders? or no permission to access folders… chmod…

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