Zebra Striped Collection

The collection of all known modifications to make your site striped in all situations.

Alternating the who’s online bits and giving them a certain look instead of the bloat version provided within vBulletin was for me a little pleasure…

i like styles in things… it now alternate the rows instead of the columns. making it easier to read, easier to locate each member…

so here is the default version:


and my new version, with alternate bits and colors for specific usages… you can see the legend of these colors below the list, and you can change these colors per style, at your will.


as a note, this product is active without any file or template edit… a single product upload and tada…

Views: 60

14 thoughts on “Zebra Striped Collection”

  1. nexia dit :

    Same as for the Who’s Online, i needed an alternative rows instead of columns… but as there is less information to show on the memberlist, only the Buddies have a different look.

    here is the default version:


    and then my own version… you can see here that my Buddies/Friends are in pale pink, you can edit that CSS detail in the template, per style.


    you can see that there is no avatar or other details, it’s just for the screenshot purpose… the templates are not edited, you see the exact same thing from your original display, just the rows that are differently colored.

    as a note, this product is active without any file or template edit… a single product upload and tada…

  2. nexia dit :

    In the throw of the Zebra collection, we have the Poll result bits…

    Here is the original look of a poll:


    I provide two versions of the Zebra Stripes for the polls… One is the same exact display of poll elements with the only detail to be Zebra Striped per bits…


    Then i integrated my CSS based poll results, and here is the show:



    a note of design, you can see that the pale pink result is the result you voted for… you can change the style of each of these elements in the CSS injected, per style.

    a lot more customization is possible… this is just a startup for designers who are able to handle the look of polls…

    you can add images as background colors for the bits, you can edit the way the rows are displayed too, without thouching the original templates… you can use pale colors, like pastel etc…

    and as for all the other tools i provide, the simplier the better, so the HowTo is simple: Upload the Product

    … done!

  3. nexia dit :

    The entire list of Zebra Striped modifications for your forum is now packaged in a single bundle, and have a complete setup page to activate the features you prefer, the way you like them.


  4. nexia dit :

    I mostly forgot to finish this product, this is aweful…

    Here is a screenshot of the Forumbits Striped… first image, the BEFORE (template edited but you understand the feeling)


    And here is the result of the Striped version, with horizontal stripes only…


    And here is the variation type… as an example, i modified one detail only… for NO NEW POSTS forums, the fonts are 50% grayed… so the forums with NEW POSTS really seems to popup…


    you can do whatever is graphically possible with the variations… change the color, the font weight, the style entirely…

  5. nexia dit :

    Thread Re-Opened, Product delivered at last…

    There are missing threadbit and postbit in this version right now, « i think i have put the damn code in the wrong drawer… » i’ll update this tomorrow when everything is fine… but at least you see the first screenies and can test this version… there is no harm to update after that!

    .. . a note.. these features work only on untouched templates, so you can play with a clean style, or a style that do not modify all the templates around…

  6. mikey1991 dit :

    Great job!

  7. Azhria Lilu dit :

    Very sweet job 🙂

  8. Taragon dit :

    Mainly interested in the CSS based poll results I’m trying to accomplish something like this:


    Do you perhaps know if this has any chance of succeeding (using the template manager only)?

    style= »stylevar1″style= »stylevar2″[/COLOR]>$option[percent]%


    Demo: another test poll – Vampire Academy

  9. nexia dit :

    sure, if the result is smaller than X put the text after the bar, else put it inside… that’s what you want?

    give more details into words, you know i’m crap at chinese… lol

  10. Taragon dit :

    @nexia 26132 wrote:

    sure, if the result is smaller than X put the text after the bar, else put it inside… that’s what you want?

    lol, yes, you’ve read my mind. that’s exactly what I was looking for 🙂

    above comparison didn’t do the trick btw.

  11. nexia dit :

    if you want like the example you provide, i will have a template change that do exactly that in the next day… i’ll play with it… it’s cool.

  12. Taragon dit :

    Not in a rush or anything, but wondering if you’ve had some time already to look into this?

  13. nexia dit :

    nope, sorry… i’m finishing my parenting site before coding anything else, it’s a rush…

  14. Taragon dit :

    lol, no need, I understand 🙂 I’ll remain interested though :grin_Sealed:

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