vbE Complimentaries now packed for 2010

In the last 2 years, more than 90 products were released for free on this site, all of them yet to be released integrated to a future version of vBulletin… All these addons are useful to someone, and none of them is pointless. Thanks for the ideas everybody.

So this is new, we’ll now have a funny formula where everybody can have access to all these complimentaries products after having subscribed to one of our plan. At the opposite to the subscriptions, even when they are ended, you still continue to have access to the complimentaries, because we added some cool feature to vBulletin that keep track of your actions: if you subscribed at least once, we offer you a lifetime access to the stuff available in the Members Complimentaries

And so, what’s in that package?

The releases found in that directory are all the available codes that were released in the past 2 years, all up-to-date to the version of their period, the 3.8.4 vBulletin version. Some of them will be available for the new 4.0 generation, and they will be available in that section of the site as soon as they are recoded.

Whatelse do we have in these?… If we have to code something else for vBulletin that is not more than 200 lines long, we will drop it in the complimentaries as well, and this is a big plus for you, as 75% of our latest releases were less than 200 lines long.

Have an eye on that section, there is a lot of movements in it!

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