3D modeling of the Rust game environment, from Facepunch. Having handled other gaming and modeling software, this tool easily became my everyday toy.
LAMP type server management, i.e. Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. In order to make the Wordpress and vBulletin tools more efficient, it is necessary to know by heart the tools that make it work.
Being from the heart of Wordpress since its foundation, I manipulate the engine so as to be able to do with it what I want.
Apart from cascading classes, I manage to do what I want with the programming language that makes my tools run.
Managing databases since dBase in the 90s, I've created enough queries in my lifetime to build a metropolis.
From stock management to dishwashing, I have held most of the positions found in a restaurant.
My involvement in some social service projects in the last decades and my experience in behavioral studies can still be used in everyday life!
For more than 25 years, my main occupation has been managing one of the biggest families in the country with 9 children + 1... I'm probably not the best parent in the world, but I have experience trying to become the best possible father for my children.
I am first of all a popularizer of everything that hooks me. Make others understand what they find complicated... Being dyslexic, my habit is to always talk too much...
I was a creator of projects, administrator of large communities like Quebec City, and I have a very large family... that gives an idea of the level of experience that I was able to acquire in this field. But we learn every day to live with the challenges of tomorrow.
Black Belt, 1er dan, Shotokan Karate
Blue Belt, Judo
Here is my resumé related to my presence on the web. My work station is composed of a Mac Mini for BBEditing, and a Windows 11 platform on a AMD 5900X with a RX 6700 XT. I'm prepared for any kind of Remote Work. I'm equiped for twitch, youtube and teams support.
Un Papa Pro is my personal blog, centralizing the content of several websites that I have managed over the past 30 years. I'm on sabbatical, time to find time to restart...
As you can read in some of the interviews I've done in the past, I've been with the guys here since the early drafts, months before Miles Davis actually.. I play with the code because I like demystify problems and hacks.
Official Site: Rust.exposed. The site ended at the end of summer 2021, to be merged into unpapapro.com... you can visit the dedicated section here: RUST.EXPOSED ARCHIVE – Un Papa Pro
Rust, FacePunch's survival game, my #1 hobby for over a year. I am not a pro gamer, but a Map Maker in 3d modeling, and I offer game server hosting for amateurs who take advantage of my services.
Since September 2020, a network of 18 servers has been installed in my facilities located at ShockByte.com, one of the largest online game hosts in the world.
Since March 2020, I have sold more than 85 Custom Exclusive Cards, which have been able to serve more than 75,000 players. My concept is a style of scenario cards and not cards automatically generated by the procedure system. According to some game experts, I'm the only Map Maker to really take advantage of Height Maps technology, which gives a very "earthly" style to the setting, and each map is inspired by a particular location, usually the setting of the Islands Salomons in the Indian Ocean, where the origin of the game was inspired.
Needing more filtering and integrated functions in WooCommerce, I created a suite of functions named "WPEN Global Nicest Engine" for AliDropship, to do heavy maintenance of AliExpress site content, refine marketing tools in WooCommerce and add manageability for items on sale.
Even today it is an exclusive tool. here are 3 examples on the suite of 21 tools: https://unpapapro.com/?s=alidrop
Work with Varun Dubey on specific topics regarding plugin and marketplace development.
I also made available the translation of the majority of their plugins and themes for two years, in French International.
Without being officially employed by the company, I provided the team with the translation of all their official plugins and themes since almost the beginning of their activities, and in exchange for my work I was allowed to play with their tools.
It continues today in 2020 with the availability of fr_FR language files for the company's two main tools.
Debug and develop features on WPDefault themes.
You can read my community profile and check my coder level here:
When the site closed in November 2012, I was the developer at vBulletin with the highest level of coder, and the largest collection of plugins distributed across the planet. At the end of 2012, the company that manages vBulletin launched a new version of the software, "taking" a route that no longer interested a large part of the development team, and we left. I continued my path as a Wordpress developer thereafter.
Reference, my vBulletin profile:https://www.vbulletin.org/forum/member.php?u=363548
Adding up the two years of operation preceding the formation of this site as "nexialys.net", I have accumulated a customer base of more than 5000 administrators using the vBulletin software.
Member of the ERU, Responsible for maintaining and developing the operational capacity of teams and systems outside the territory for the high-deployment computer network.
During the earthquake crisis in Haiti in January 2010, I coordinated the installation and deployment of the Internet network on the Islands to have an access path in communication with the various international resources which came to the aid of the population. From Quebec to the operations centre, and on site, on an emergency flight to install equipment.
The ChristianForums.com was the largest religious site on the planet at the time, with over 150,000 weekly active members, over 15 million forum discussions. I was originally Dr. Erwin Loh's partner as Christian community manager, because vBulletin hacking specialist.
Lee Dodd bought the site in 2007 and hired me to maintain the site. I propose a total overhaul of the site and the community, and we take the next 6 months to do a colossal job... to continue life on the site without the clientele noticing the work we are doing backward. Project completed, I left for other clients.
You can witness one of my daily reports to the team of 130 site administrators.: https://www.christianforums.com/threads/may-13th-site-situation-management-side-of-things.7232968/
The PostNuke project was started in July 2001 and was born out of the frustration of four guys who couldn't contribute to the development of another open source project, PhpNuke. The founders are Greg Allan and Jean-Pierre Michaud, the co-founders are Harry Zink and Mark West.
PostNuke was the first open source project to provide a free hosting service to third-party developers which we dubbed the NOC (Network Operations Center). This part of the project was later transferred under the name SourceForge.net
After version 0.73 was released in 2002, the software was used on more than 800,000 websites on the Internet. The project was revived as Zikula in 2008.
It was no joke having a portal/blog in 2001… in fact, it did not exist. we still had an active population of more than 3,500 parents in Quebec and about 1,000 more from abroad… these people then went to the DLVDM site and other places that I “swung” to friends.
The full story here: https://unpapapro.com/2018/11/07/bebeabord-org-probablement-le-premier-blog-de-papa-au-quebec/
First a communication trainee at Radio-Canada International to cover the events in Leipzig and Berlin in 1989, a scout for La Course Destination Monde (Radio-Canada) 1989/90, then an independent observer throughout the conflicts in Europe and Asia. in the years 90 to 95. Since then, it's been a bit like retirement.
Events covered:
1989, October, coverage of "Montagsdemonstrationen" events in Liepzig, GDR at the end of the month. Presence on November 9 in Berlin, RDA/RFA, alongside Raymond St-Pierre of Radio-Canada, accompanied by a few Canadian soldiers *(including Bernard "Rambo" Gauthier). My Canadian passport was stolen there *(the West Germans wanting to cross the border legally, probably a citizen who meant no harm)...
1989-90, The America-Africa Race - Radio-Canada. Being on a trip already, I scouted for some participants who were visiting places I had already visited. It was more to create contacts and validate information than anything else. I was therefore able to visit half of the countries of Africa and Central and South America.
1991, Croatia, presence during the clashes and the declaration of independence. I am staying with Croatian friends I met in 1989
1994, winter, Bosnia-Herzegovina, coverage of the presence of Canadian peacekeepers in the territory of Srebrenica with Carol Off. Still staying with my Croatian friends.
I could have covered more significant events in our history, but I was only a traveler present "in the right place at the right time"... let's say that being single without children helps not to be bothered by the risks of this job. I wouldn't do it again today!
Started on the Internet in 1993, as a consultant for SoftArc's FirstClass, a groupware for the community. I was the representative of the Quebec region.
To meet the requirements of the DPJ which recruited street workers for La Clairière and the Richelieu house.
960 hours formation, done in 30, avg of 93%
Summer studies, ended in 1994
average of 86%
Better known for being the mascot of the cegep residence, I nevertheless taught my classmates in replacement of certain professors, in the role of media laboratory worker.
As soon as I arrived in ATM, I received a scholarship to be an intern at Radio-Canada's international radio station. After my first year, I was offered an internship as Reporter Without Borders with Radio-Canada in Europe for the next semester, the fall of 1989.
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