$replace using a custom template

Not really sure if OK to ask here, since this question isn't exactly related to this website. In short, I'm lost why one code is, and an almost similar code isn't working. Working: [php]$search = addslashes(''); $replace = addslashes(' test'); $vbulletin->templatecache = str_replace($search, $replace.$search, $vbulletin->templatecache);[/php] Not working: [php]$search = addslashes(''); $replace = $vbulletin->templatecache; $vbulletin->templatecache =... Read more

Promotions Logic?

I was working on the promotions manager for the releases engine when i started to think about how to handle multiple promotions affecting the same threads. And my question was do you think the manager should stop you from adding promotions that affect the same forum? Or something else?