You know what it is, when you have a flu pandemic, everybody is possibly hit by it. Your servant is not different from anyother human... My kids were hit by the flu in the last 10 days, so i was close to no available at all lately, and now it's me. The doctors say we... Read more
Catégorie : Le Travail
Tout ce qui concerne le boulot, les contrats, le développement, les clients, etc… essentiellement Wordpress depuis 2013, des archives de vBulletin et autres trucs. Témoignages, Portfolios de clients, Avant/Après, etc
Data Type Handling Structure
There needs to be a better way to handle and index content. This is my idea: - Base "content" table -- Title -- Date -- Author -- Tags -- Content -- type -- typeid (threadid, articleid, etc.) - Thread -- All Thread options - Article -- Article fields ( - = mysql table) There would... Read more
vBulletin 4 Beta Out
vBulletin Beta 3 Released to Customers with 4.0 Licenses
vb4 Developer Chat
Here is something I found interesting:Joe Rosenbum: pod asks: "There are plans for more content types to be added in future releases of the Suite?" Kevin Sours: Yes, yes, and yes. We have a lot of ideas in mind which will probably go out the windown once we hear about your ideas. We also hope... Read more
Paid Upgrade, And Install
hi, how much to upgrade my forum please?? anyone interested please make a bid :)
hi, i do have groups already on my forum, so why is this one better please :- thanks
Need Screeners
hi, are there any screenshots for The Office is Open Suite please :- thanks ;)
Forum king vBulletin muzzles paid-up protesters
WOW...what do vb have to say about this article. Forum king vBulletin muzzles paid-up protesters ? The Register
Some McDonalds analogy please…
Hey Shelley, i was reading this when i thought of you, trying to beat my analogies... lol Brand = User Experience: The Interface of a Cheeseburger Smashing Magazine
some kinky terms to use…
in Postnuke, we started using kinky terms in our work, and we continued in IPB... it was boring to see that vB did not permit it... so here is a list of some: doppelganger: cached content input-sanitizer: kind of a "gpc" ;) skeleton: the structure of a site, without style or content bleeping: censorship distiller:... Read more