Due to the increase of registrations requesting support and professional products for vBulletin, our subscription formula had to evolve at the same pace. So instead of having seperate subscription for each of our key-products, we'll now offer a global monthly subscription that will give access to all our products. This is a large gain compared... Read more
Catégorie : Le Travail
Tout ce qui concerne le boulot, les contrats, le développement, les clients, etc… essentiellement Wordpress depuis 2013, des archives de vBulletin et autres trucs. Témoignages, Portfolios de clients, Avant/Après, etc
TrialPay, SuperRewards, GratisPay intergration
Hi Nexia, Ive got this idea I wanted to put forward for your review. Trialpay, Super rewards, Gratis pay etc are all virtual currency sites. At present they all take advantage of the social network world by offering one click integration. Members complete offers and in return earn points. The admin earns money for every... Read more
Facebook alike news feeds
Not really sure if here would be the best place to ask, but does someone know if there's a product handling this around? Edit: This would be the closest thing I could find: vBulletin Social Feeds - Milad's vBulletin Services
Social Groups and Projects
Now that VB Projects is released a a free MOD with VB4.0, can you work on integrating Project Tools to you social groups MOD. THis was requested at Vb.org by 11 people under paid MOD. ALso note that there is a MOD called SocialForums which integrates Forums into Groups (dicussions become like a forum discussions).... Read more
Sorry, vbSEO 3.5 break the site, so…
i updated vbSEO to the latest today, and aside of the great admincp they now have, the script is breaking my site... so i disabled it until further notice... people will see oldstyle urls for a period.
Hi nexy, I must be blind but I am in the process in starting a few paid services on my forum and wanted to know where the itrader buy link is? I can see only the complimentary version and couldn't see the full version.
vBulletin 4 Gold is Out
vb 4 is now released, to bad Ray left.
Something more
i want if is possible one of the admins to contact me for somsthing i have in my mind and i don't want to post it in public Thank you in advance
vbEnhancer back at the org for some releases
People will notice in the next days that i'm re-trying to release the complimentary works at vbulletin.org. Please stay assured that the subscription you paid here to have access to these tools stand still. Members of vbulletin.org will still have to subscribe here to receive support on these products, no matter what. None of my... Read more
Decision taken, no vBulletin 4.0
That's it. after deliberating a long time about upgrading all our tools to vB 4.0 Gold, a long breath was taken to fix the decision, and we're sticking to it. There will be no 4.0 generation of our work. Sadly, vBulletin Solutions never offered the flexibility and opening of mind that they always advertised, and... Read more