I am using vb 3.8.3 :grin_Crying: hope you will help me with this sir neX :grin_Heart:
Catégorie : Le Travail
Tout ce qui concerne le boulot, les contrats, le développement, les clients, etc… essentiellement Wordpress depuis 2013, des archives de vBulletin et autres trucs. Témoignages, Portfolios de clients, Avant/Après, etc
i cant download your great apps
Products and Service back in march
After 3 weeks of dedication at the RC, i've managed to schedule my work for the next months, so the plans are quite easy for me now... if everything goes ok, in march I'll be available to come back at work. Though, even if nobody wish it, there are possibilities of a second big earthquake... Read more
Square Miniature Smilies
Preview Summary: 17 Miniature square smilies. The dimensions of these smilies are at 16px by 16px which means that your text formatting will look uniformed and unbroken between text only occurring when using large smilies. Format: .Png Conditions of use: This pack may be used on forums, websites but cannot be redistributed or repackaged in... Read more
User Discipline System
vBulletins current system with infractions, reports, and user notes (I've never used the notes system) are not at all connected. My thought would be that instead of having everything seperate something like this would happen: Users report a post -> Moderators recieve report and have direct options to use infraction system and on of the... Read more
new step in going nowhere…
are we done yet?
Social Bookmarking Icons.
Preview Summary: 6 social bookmarking icons. (more will come soon) and other sizes released as time permits. Format: .png Software: I designed for my vbulletin board though these can be used any software and applied on sites. Installation: Upload to your /misc folder. Because they come in .png format you will have to change the... Read more
Delete or Move Usergroup
This product add the ability to move orphan users to a different usergroup when deleting a usergroup. Here is what you usually have when you want to delete a usergroup: Now, instead of moving each user by hand one by one as in the default system, you have the ability to choose where you want... Read more
A lot of things move on these first days of 2010
In the next 2 or 3 days, the final moves abroad this site will be done regarding the restructuration of the forums, memberships and new products available. We already have 3 new gadgets to play with, and they will be distributed in our new section called The Enhancements 2010, like the new system called Nexia's... Read more
vbE Complimentaries now packed for 2010
In the last 2 years, more than 90 products were released for free on this site, all of them yet to be released integrated to a future version of vBulletin... All these addons are useful to someone, and none of them is pointless. Thanks for the ideas everybody. So this is new, we'll now have... Read more