Sorry if it may look unfamiliar, but the private messaging engine is active only for internal support between coders/designers and the clients. Regular users have no private messaging for a simple reason: we have a forum! We want to keep most of the conversations on the forum, to avoid spam and flaming in private. We... Read more
Catégorie : Le Travail
Tout ce qui concerne le boulot, les contrats, le développement, les clients, etc… essentiellement Wordpress depuis 2013, des archives de vBulletin et autres trucs. Témoignages, Portfolios de clients, Avant/Après, etc
MTF: genealogic tree
What are the features that you would dream of? - vBTEAM Underground read this, you will see that the principle is very easy to execute... basically, if i do it right, this product itself could be sold to a great number of "relatives" forums... the only thing we really need is the structure of the... Read more
MTF release date
Ok, MTF is pretty much done. Right now I'm testing and making code more efficient. I would say it is done but still in a beta phase. We really shouldn't release it for March 1st (it needs more testing then that). I think by March 7th we could do enough testing to declare it 'stable',... Read more
any local news before the re-opening
ok, here are some news i share with you guys... :) 1- i'm creating a small style for the site, and the logotype will look like this: the tagline would be better with a blinking "UP", but i prefer simple.. lol.. it means "did you check if your site was the best in town today?... Read more
style per usergroup…
there was one before 3.5, but it was crap and hardcoded...
vBCMS muckup…
vBulletin Content Management System (vBCMS) - vBulletin Community Forum looks like everybody's dream is on the path... i mean, pathetic... our main target now is to be their essential addon... MTF will be essential to that CMS as they need blocks, features, addons... so we need this to be the best crap IB/Jelsoft will need... Read more
Template Edits?
Well right now in MTF there are no template edits but I use str_replace on the vbulletin->templatecache variable. There have been no problems but i read this Forum and it kind of made me think should we just have template edits?
Please do not point at for a discussion…
I've read a ton of complaints on about the lack of support, bad administration, blah blah... I DON'T CARE You have to understand that i did not open this site to compete We are two complete different entities with complete different goals. So please do not bring your stuff on my site,... Read more
Forum Categories Seperator
Seperate Main forums (categories) with style. Replace the default vB to fit a better width. You can see the result on this site, on the forumhome page, and in each categories where you see sub-forums. First, it seperate the categories on home page. Second, it replace the DEFAULT thead of the forumbit listing on FORUMHOME... Read more
vbE rebirth in march 2009
Many visitors were hit by a sudden wall lately, because the site was closed impulsively in late october, for no apparent reason. We are now reopening the site, with 5 months of evaluations, negociations and upgrades. More than 100 000 lines of code have to be checked out because we have the biggest repository of... Read more