This heightmap « the foot » is based on my own footprint.
The Inspiration was simple… using the procgen process to generate basic maps in Rust Servers bring more than often an island with the look of an ET Foot… always some peninsulas, round based, etc… like 99% of the islands on this planet are NOT like that…
So i made this map a foot because mine of funnier than the procgen ones… 🙂
That’s all.
For hte time being, you can visit this map and play on it just for fun. as usual, just search for us in the Servers listing… « [EXPOSED] »
Our goal at is to provide clean and efficient heightmaps so you do not have to struggle on how to design your island.
Use RustEdit to:
– Put monuments, paths, rocks, tunnels and underwater elements in the Procedural way
– Edit the map height, resize it, add more land or islands, etc
– Install your own monuments and prefabs to personalize the map entirely
This release include:
– one Plain Map you can play with
– a basic Procedural Map with random stuff on it.
Elements to consider:
– Offshore balanced, so You have underwater labs, loots, icebergs etc
– Land has different mountains and cliffs structure so it’s not monotonous or impossible to climb
– Size is always 4444 but you can resize the map easily before editing it
– The demo map can be used on your server, but you surely can do better while editing it to your tastes
– The map is structured so all types of roads are possible by procgen not only by hand
– The map is balanced in lands and steeps, so you have beaches and mountains
– If this map is based on a IRL location, the heights are supposed to fit in proportions 1/100m
– Even when using procedural generation, your roads and monuments will not be off, because the terrain is well balanced – or the procgen fuck up by itself!
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